Career-ending personal injuries and fatalities have continued to increase in the rail industry.
To educate members on the circumstances of these incidents, and in attempts to avoid them in the future, the UTU Rail Safety Task Force, appointed by International President Mike Futhey, urges that each of you continue to look out for each other and forward your ideas and concerns about workplace safety to them so they may address them.
Interactive communication and “looking out for each other” is imperative to bringing us all home from work in one piece.
To ensure we all go home to our families in one piece, the UTU Rail Safety Task Force asks for a 100 percent commitment to rules compliance and to the following eight activities:
- Job briefings: Ensure all crew members are present for job briefings, and focus on risk assessment.
- Situational awareness: Constantly be aware of your surroundings and maintain situational awareness to avoid risks associated with the required tasks and work within the limits of your capabilities.
- On/off standing equipment: Keep hands free of other objects and maintain three point contact, always being vigilant for equipment movement.
- Avoid slips, trips and falls: Keep your eyes on the footpath and report any unsafe walking conditions to your local legislative representative for handling.
- Radio communications: Always use proper identification, provide car counts when shoving, do not engage in excessive chatter; use “over and out.”
- Put safety first: Performing a task safety is more important than the time it takes to complete it. The only “good move” is one done 100 percent by the rules.
- Ask questions: If any uncertainty arises, take the time to ask questions. Do not take risks or assume anything.
- Be in charge of your own safety: Do not let others set YOUR level of safety. Report harassment and intimidation.
For more information on the UTU Rail Safety Task Force, and to communicate with the task force, visit the task force’s interactive Web page by clicking:
In solidarity,
UTU Rail Safety Task Force
Greg Hynes, UTU assistant Arizona state legislative director
Steve Evans, UTU Arkansas state legislative director
Jerry Gibson, UTU Michigan state legislative director
Scott Olson, UTU Arizona state legislative director
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