Unions fight for civil rights

February 25, 2016

DiversityThe Detroit Free Press writes that the fight for civil rights has been a long-fought battle by unions. In the past, it was legal to discriminate against minorities in the workplace when it came to hiring and wage equality. After it became illegal to discriminate, minorities still faced bias. Today, unions are still fighting to keep discrimination out of the workplace. Click here to read the full story from Detroit Free Press. *** Have a civil rights issue at your workplace? SMART Transportation Division is the only union to have a committee dedicated to human rights. The SMART TD Human Rights Committee works to educate members and employers about diversity in the workplace and promotes diversity awareness. Click here to view the Human Rights Committee handbook. Click here for a list of committee members and their contact information.

SMART Transportation Division Human Rights Committee with Transportation Division President John Previsich (right) and Vice President John Lesniewski (middle).