Members of Local 23 in Santa Cruz, Calif., are mourning the passing of Transportation Division retiree Domingo Tovar on April 14 from COVID-19. Brother Tovar, 68, served two stints with Santa Cruz Metro as a bus operator starting in 1982, then leaving for another carrier befo [...]
Arrangements have been made to have bulk quantities of facemasks for order through American Products Inc., an endorsed SMART Transportation Division vendor. Two style options are available – one with a washable filter insert and a second single-layer cloth mask. These are cus [...]
Railroad Retirement benefit recipients who have a qualifying child and didn’t file a 2018 or 2019 tax return have a limited window to register to have $500 per eligible child added automatically to their soon-to-be-received $1,200 COVID-19 payment, the Internal Revenue [...]
While America and the world struggle to combat the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, new heroes have emerged. While much of America has long celebrated its athletes and celebrities as its heroes, this pandemic has shown us who the real heroes are in our society. At the onset of Wo [...]
What is SMART-TD on Long Island, N.Y., doing during the COVID-19 pandemic? New York City and its bordering suburbs and counties have been among the hardest-hit in the nation by the coronavirus due to its density and the demands of the city’s economic engine driven by the fina [...]
In protest of what he said was gross misrepresentation by New Jersey Transit (NJT) of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, SMART Transportation Division General Chairperson Jerome Johnson has resigned from NJT’s coronavirus safety task force. Johnson, also president of Loca [...]
On April 15, SMART Transportation Division Local 61 (Philadelphia, Pa.) announced that conductor Michael A. Hill, 58, of Glassboro, N.J., died from the coronavirus. Brother Hill was a 30-year member of SMART-TD and worked for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority (S [...]
The Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr. Chairman House Committee on Energy & Commerce 2125 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Greg Walden Ranking Member House Committee on Energy & Commerce 2322 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 205 [...]
All previously declined members and future enrolled members of the SMART-TD Long-Term Voluntary Disability Plan (VDP) now have access to up to $1,000 of guaranteed approved coverage. North Olmsted, Ohio (April 16, 2020) — In May 2019, the SMART Transportation Division rolled [...]
CLEVELAND, Ohio (April 15) — On April 7, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) granted a joint petition filed by the SMART Transportation Division (SMART-TD) and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) to extend time limits in which certain petitions f [...]