Transportation News

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Local 202 member dies in yard accident

SMART Transportation Division member Jeff Jones of Local 202 (Denver, Colo.) passed away on Feb. 9, 2022, after a switching accident in Globeville rail yard in Denver. Brother Jones, of Northglenn, Colo., was a member of our union for more than a decade, joining in August 201 [...]

Rail members’ input sought by FRA for fatigue survey

The Federal Railroad Administration is asking T&E rail members of the SMART Transportation Division to participate in a wide-reaching survey of T&E personnel on the topic of fatigue. Participants working in T&E roles in either passenger or freight service are high [...]

Member fatally shot in shooting

Amtrak conductor and Local 1470 (Edmonston, Md.) member James E. Blue III, 43, was shot multiple times Jan. 25 outside a home he was in the process of remodeling while talking on a cellphone to his son, who is away at college. He was taken to an area hospital where he was pro [...]

Hazmat training program offering virtual courses

The Rail Workers Hazardous Materials Training Program is offering new virtual courses in February and March. 10-hour OSHA General Industry Course — This course is intended to increase workers’ knowledge on hazards they may encounter on a job site and their rights. Train [...]

Local 1704 mourns death of vice chairperson Debria Bradford

Vice Chairperson Debria L. Bradford (GCA-STU), 56, a longtime officer of SMART Transportation Division Local 1704 (Kansas City, Mo.), passed away Jan. 26, 2022. “She served numerous positions in our local — sergeant of arms, trustee,” said General Chairperson Sharon Harris (G [...]

Update in SMART-TD, BLET attendance dispute with BNSF

CLEVELAND, Ohio, (January 28, 2022) — SMART-TD and BLET members employed by BNSF Railway continue to labor under a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) issued by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, which was issued on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. I [...]