Transportation News

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Attacks on coal are attacks on rail jobs

If you are concerned by demands of environmentalists to reduce American coal transportation and American coal use, which will have a negative impact on rail jobs, wages and benefits, you may wish to let your congressional representatives know. As demands are being made to shu [...]

Know your ‘whistle-blower protection’

Every SMART Transportation Division freight and passenger rail member needs to know that federal law protects them from employer retaliation — and threats of retaliation — when they report to the carrier or a government agency alleged violations of safety or secur [...]

Update on 2011 Medicare premiums

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says that while the standard monthly Part B premium will rise to $115.40 in 2011, most Medicare beneficiaries will not see an increase in their monthly Part B premiums. This is because of a hold-harmless provision in current la [...]

PTC: What it is, how it works

Los Angeles Metrolink — a 512-mile commuter rail system, which serves the Southern California counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernadino and Ventura — is moving to be the first railroad to install and implement a positive train control (PTC) system. [...]

Lame-duck legislation crucial for UTU members

WASHINGTON – A number of issues important to UTU members and working families is on tap for debate and vote this week as Congress returns for a lame-duck session. It is called a lame-duck session because House and Senate members who lost their seats in the Nov. 2 election rem [...]

DOT secretary: ‘HSR America’s jobs engine’

Comparing embryo high-speed rail projects with the birth of the Interstate Highway system more than half-a-century ago, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said last week that the competition America is facing is not between Democrats and Republicans, but “between the U [...]

Amtrak: ‘No interest’ in N.J.-N.Y. tunnel

In the wake of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie — his state beset with financial woes — canceling a proposed $10 billion rail tunnel under the Hudson River linking New Jersey and New York City, word spread that New Jersey Transit and Amtrak had opened talks to fund [...]

Some truth, much legend, in ‘Unstoppable’

It was in the movie, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, this memorable line was spoken: “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.” Opening in movie theaters Nov. 12 is a movie combining fact and legend — the Hollywood version of a near-run railroad cal [...]

Lawmakers change; our mission does not

By James Stem,UTU National Legislative Director With the election over, change has come to Washington. Since 2001, the congressional political majority has shifted three times. New majorities are nothing new to our UTU legislative team. While most UTU-endorsed candidates were [...]

Rahall to be ranking Dem. on T&I Committee

WASHINGTON — Rep. Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.), a long-time friend of the UTU, will be the ranking Democrat on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee when the new Congress is seated in 2011. With the defeat Nov. 2 of Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.), who had been c [...]