Transportation News

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A president embraces the iron horse

In his state-of-the-union speech Jan. 26, President Obama mentioned the word “railroad” eight times — the most mentions of “railroad” in more than 30 years of state-of-the-union messages delivered by five different presidents. Yes, there are thos [...]

T&E numbers up in 2010, but not evenly

All railroads increased the number of train and engine workers in 2010, but at quite different rates, according to data released by the U.S. Surface Transportation Board. Overall, the number of train and engine workers increased in 2010 by 9.21 percent — 62,067 in Decem [...]

CN reports increased profits for 2010

Canadian National Jan. 25 reported its fourth-quarter operating profit rose by 19 percent versus fourth-quarter 2009, and that calendar-year 2010 operating profit increased by 13.5 percent from 2009. CN’s operating ratio for 2010 improved from 67.7 percent in 2009 to 63 [...]

NS reports profits increased in 2010

Norfolk Southern Jan 25 reported a 31 percent increase in fourth quarter profit (versus fourth quarter 2009) and a 45 percent increase in calendar-year 2010 profit. NS also reported a 5 percentage point improvement in its 2010 operating ratio, which declined to 71.9 percent. [...]

Obama: All-aboard for high-speed rail

In a state-of-the-union speech uncharacteristically short on laundry list projects and policies, President Obama Tuesday night conspicuously singled out high-speed rail as “the most reliable way to move people,” saying that “within 25 years, our goal is to g [...]

CSX profits soared in 2010

It was a mighty good fourth quarter and calendar-year 2010 for CSX, which reported Jan. 24 that its operating profits grew by 46 percent in the fourth quarter (versus fourth quarter 2009), and by 35 percent for the 12-months of 2010. In announcing that CSX had reduced its ope [...]

On 4 more railroads, workers vote ‘UTU, yes’

Employees of four railroads in Alabama and Florida have chosen the UTU as their bargaining representative. On South Florida Tri-Rail, a commuter railroad where the UTU already represents both sides of the cab, employees of the operations center have chosen the UTU as their ba [...]

Republicans choose T&I subcommittee chairs

WASHINGTON — The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, chaired by Republican John Mica of Florida, has named subcommittee chairs. Following are the chairs of the three subcommittees dealing with air, bus and rail issues: Subcommittee on Highways and Trans [...]

Democrats named to T&I Committee

WASHINGTON — Democrats have finalized appointments to the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, whose ranking member is Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) Most transportation legislation affecting aviation, bus and rail originates in this committee. The Democratic mem [...]

Union membership fell sharply in 2010

Private sector and public sector union membership fell sharply in 2010, reports The New York Times. In the domestic private workforce, the percentage of workers represented by unions tumbled to 6.9 percent (from 7.2 percent in 2009), while in the public sector, the percentage [...]