Transportation News

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1 grey sedan, 2 unknown occupants & a TSA mystery

Witnesses say it’s a grey sedan. A grey four-door sedan — occupied by two men. A grey four-door sedan occupied by two men that shows up at railroad facilities. The men claim to work for the Federal Railroad Administration. That say they are there to inspect a bridge, or [...]

Q&As on tentative national rail contract

Following negotiation of the tentative national rail contract, general chairpersons submitted questions about the contract that were relayed by the International to the National Carriers’ Conference Committee (NCCC), which represents carriers at the bargaining table. Th [...]

Wrap up: Major rails’ 2d quarter 2011 profits

Canadian National: Canadian National Railway July 25 reported an 8 percent increase in profit for the second quarter 2011 versus the second quarter 2010, citing a 10 percent increase in intermodal loadings (trailers and containers on flat cars) and a 14 percent increase in in [...]

Yard accident claims UTU member

CHICAGO — A Belt Railway of Chicago switchman and UTU member with three years’ service was crushed to death between two rail cars in a hump yard here just after midnight July 25. Andres Tapia, 34, a member of UTU Local 1597 (Chicago), and working a two-person remote con [...]

Rising bus death toll accentuates safety reform need

As the UTU continues to lobby safety regulators and Congress on the need for bus-operator fatigue abatement, improved driver training and tougher bus-safety inspections, tragic events are placing even more emphasis on this topic. Since January, according to Advocates for High [...]

National rail contract delivers ‘more, now’

AFL founder Samuel Gompers said the objective of labor is, “more, now.” Our national rail agreement fulfills that objective. In an economic environment that has our brothers and sisters in other industries in a vice grip of difficult times, our agreement delivers more than ju [...]

Conductor wins $125,000 in whistle-blower complaint

A Wisconsin Central conductor has won a whistle-blower complaint against the carrier – collecting more than $125,000 in compensatory and punitive damages – for unlawful harassment and intimidation as the result of reporting an injury. This was the third successful whistle-blo [...]

Former N.O. rail official faces 18 felony charges

NEW ORLEANS – New Orleans Public Belt Railway’s former general manager, Jim Bridger, reportedly is charged by the state with 18 felony counts of theft from the 15-mile city-owned railroad as well as malfeasance while on the job. The UTU represents many of the railroads’ worke [...]

Will crewmembers be given free M&Ms?

A 130-mile coal railroad, long in the planning stage to stretch from Wyoming into Montana and likely connect with BNSF, is about to be purchased in part by the billionaire whose family controls the candy giant producing M&Ms, Mars bars, Milky Way, Snickers, Skittles, Twix [...]

House T&I chair continues to twist labor’s tail

WASHINGTON – The Republican chairman of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, Rep. John Mica of Florida, added to his anti-labor reputation July 19 by inserting language in an aviation bill aimed at pressuring Senate Democrats to overturn a National Mediati [...]