Transportation News

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Repeal referendum likely in Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS – Gov. Mitch Daniels has signed into law right-to-work (for less) legislation in Indiana that prohibits union-shop agreements and prohibits union contracts that require those who decline to join a union from paying any fees for representation – essentially encour [...]

Union Plus Scholarship program deadline extended

The Union Plus Scholarship online application system was unable to handle the high volume of applicants prior to the Jan. 31 deadline, the Union Plus program reports. Union Plus is currently working to identify all applicants who experienced problems accessing or submitting t [...]

Members on ISA ratify first CBA

Tibbit UTU-represented members employed by Intermodal Services of America (ISA), which does contract switching for Union Pacific at Joliet, Ill., and Chicago, have ratified their first collective bargaining agreement (CBA). ISA voluntarily recognized the UTU as its transporta [...]

Transport labor urges ‘no tinkering’ with RLA

WASHINGTON — The UTU and 17 other transportation labor organizations urged Congress Jan. 30 to pass a Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization without making what they called “drastic and unnecessary changes to the Railway Labor Act.” Historically, any changes to [...]

Act now to help stop killer trucks

Killer trucks are on the attack, with Congress considering a new highway bill that would permit longer and heavier trucks on the nation’s highways. Aside from the safety concerns of motorists – and those concerns are significant and well known by automobile drivers who have b [...]

Apache Railroad members ratify new contract

UTU-represented engineers and conductors employed by Apache Railroad in Arizona have ratified a new three-year agreement providing for wage increases, certification pay, improvements in disability and life insurance benefits, an increase in the employer match for a 401-k plan [...]

CN, CP, CSX, KCS, NS, UP report 2011 earnings

CANADIAN NATIONAL Canadian National reported a 9 percent increase in profit for calendar-year 2011 versus calendar-year 2010. The CN calendar-year operating ratio of 63.5 percent was a slight improvement over the 63.6 percent operating ratio for calendar-year 2010. Operating [...]

Chicago South Shore members ratify new pact

UTU engineers, conductors and collectors employed by Chicago South Shore & South Bend, an electric-line passenger operation between Chicago and South Bend, Ind., have ratified a new two-year agreement. The new contract provides for several favorable rules changes, certifi [...]

LIRR’s Anthony Simon elected Dist. 1 chairperson

Anthony Simon, general chairperson on Long Island Rail Road, has been elected to a four-year term as chairperson of District 1 of the UTU’s Association of General Chairpersons. District 1 is made up of some 190 railroad general chairpersons. Its purpose is to formulate concer [...]

Another organizing victory for UTU

In its latest organizing victory, the UTU now represents maintenance-of-way employees on Missouri & North Arkansas Railroad, a RailAmerica property. Contract negotiations, led by UTU Alternate Vice President Doyle Turner, will begin shortly. Turner heads the UTU’s shortli [...]