Transportation News

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Computer outage does not affect TD RTS events

While our online registration options for the upcoming Transportation Division Regional Training Seminars (RTS) to take place in Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 3 through 6 and in Davenport, Iowa, Nov. 6 through 9, have been disrupted, these events will go on as planned. For those who hav [...]

TD Local 278 shows solidarity with UAW

Members of SMART-TD Local 278 (Jackson, Mich.) and General Committee GO 687 hit the picket line in Detroit, heart of the auto industry on Sept. 20. Our members were on the line supporting the proud men and women of United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 900 outside of Ford’s Michiga [...]

North and South Carolina members join for Solidarity Shoot

TD members from both North and South Carolina got together for a late summer clay shoot at DeWitt’s Sporting Clays in Ellerbe, N.C. About 57 people participated – including President Jeremy Ferguson and Alt. National Legislative Director Jared Cassity. North Carolina State Le [...]

What TD members can do to support the UAW strike

Brothers and sisters — As the strike action of our brothers and sisters at the UAW moves forward, I wanted to reach out to all SMART-TD members and reiterate our support for the UAW and the goals they are working to achieve. On Thursday, I reached out to our rail members to l [...]

Message to rail workers from TD President Ferguson re: UAW strike action

Brothers and sisters — The SMART Transportation Division stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters at the United Auto Workers (UAW). As railroaders, we are acutely aware of how it feels to be in their situation. It does not take much of an effort to remember when we [...]

TD local nominations/elections coming up in autumn

SMART Transportation Division members are reminded that Local President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, Board of Trustees (3), Legislative Representative, Alternate Legislative Representative, Delegate, and Alternate Delegate elections are scheduled to be held this [...]

Registration opens for November TD Regional Training Seminar in Iowa

Registration is now open for the SMART Transportation Division Regional Training Seminar (RTS) to take place November 6 through 9, 2023, at the Rhythm City Casino Resort in Davenport, Iowa. Online Registration Is Highly Recommended! Space Will Be Limited! Attendee check-in be [...]