Transportation News

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UTU poll finds support for Amtrak

A public opinion survey done for the United Transportation Union found strong support for Amtrak in three conservative, Republican-dominated districts where service exists. Less than a quarter of respondents favored eliminating Amtrak funding. The survey focused on three dist [...]

Szabo: Our vision for high speed rail in America

The following message was sent to the UTU National Legislative Office from Federal Railroad Administrator Joe Szabo: Whenever one is discussing an ambitious, long-term program, like our high speed and intercity passenger rail program, it is helpful to remind ourselves – and o [...]

Rails invited to radiological training program

The U.S. Department of Energy has shipped large amounts and varieties of radioactive material by rail for years and the number of rail shipments is expected to increase. With this rise in shipments comes the increased risk for rail incidents involving these materials. The Rai [...]

Express Scripts/Medco’s packaging may change

Members who receive prescription medications through Express Scripts/Medco’s home-delivery pharmacy service may notice a change to their prescription bottle and its packaging beginning May 1. For those who are unaware, the companies merged last year. Members may notice differ [...]

Local 243 at Fort Worth hosting CPR class

Local 243 at Fort Worth, Texas, will be hosting a CPR class at its next monthly meeting at 11:30 a.m. on April 23, according to member Steve Cline. SMART Transportation Division members who want to receive CPR-certified training should plan on attending. Members that complete [...]

AFL-CIO and Union Privilege offer scholarship

The AFL-CIO and Union Privilege (also known as Union Plus) announced today they have partnered together to offer students a chance to win scholarships commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. They will award 50 scholarships of $5,000 [...]

UTU-SMART: ‘No knives on aircraft’

Airline passengers will soon be able to carry small knives, souvenir baseball bats, golf clubs and other sports equipment onto aircraft, and transportation workers represented by UTU-SMART and others are not happy about it. The new Transportation Security Administration (TSA) [...]

Amtrak celebrating National Train Day May 11

WASHINGTON – On Saturday, May 11, 2013, Amtrak will join communities across America to celebrate the importance of trains to their town at the sixth annual National Train Day. More than 200 communities are expected to host events at local train stations, railroad museums and [...]

NS, CSX optimistic about 2013

A few weeks shy of their respective first quarter earnings announcements East Coast-based Class I railroads Norfolk Southern and CSX are feeling pretty good about their businesses. Norfolk Southern CEO Wick Moorman stated in the company’s 2012 annual report that the future is [...]

Tentative agreement reached on Kyle Railroad

The negotiating team representing SMART Transportation Division members on the Kyle Railroad has reached agreement with the carrier on a proposed contract for all crafts under its jurisdiction. The Transportation Division represents engineers, conductors, brakemen, maintenanc [...]