Transportation News

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Ground broken on Brightline West — new rail jobs incoming!

The 2024 calendar lists Monday, April 22, as Earth Day, but with the groundbreaking ceremony in Las Vegas, Nevada, for what will become 218 miles of new high-speed rail line, SMART Transportation Division and the rest of rail labor can see today as Jobs Day! Brightline West b [...]

FTA action on bus, transit safety plans praised by SMART-TD

Phone: (216) 228-9400Department email: INDEPENDENCE, Ohio (April 10, 2024) — President Jeremy Ferguson of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers’ Transportation Division (SMART-TD) released the following stat [...]

FRA crew-size rule came from our collective power

Railroad history was made the first week of April 2024. The U.S. Department of Transportation issued a final rule stating that freight trains in this country cannot be safely run with fewer than two certified railroaders in a locomotive cab. History could not have been made w [...]