Transportation News

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Make sure you’re registered to vote!

Dear Member, How often have you heard the phrase, “this is the most important election in our lifetime?” Plenty, I’m sure. The truth is, every election is important, with the stakes being higher in a presidential election year — especially for rail, transit and airline [...]

PEB 249 report – A win for SMART members and Rail Labor Coalition

After nearly five years of bargaining, Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) 249, formed in November, 2015 to resolve the contract dispute between the Rail Labor Coalition (Coalition) and New Jersey’s mammoth commuter carrier, New Jersey Transit (NJT), sided with unionized worke [...]

Revenue and riders up on Amtrak's Southwest Chief

The Denver Post reported that, during 2015, revenues and ridership rose amidst successful attempts at preserving Amtrak’s embattled Southwest Chief route.  Read the complete article here.

Gov. Cuomo unveils proposed LIRR expansion

Railway Age reported that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently unveiled a proposal for major expansion and improvement of the Long Island Rail Road.  Read the complete article here.

Tri-Rail train hits truck reported that a Tri-Rail train hit a garbage truck Monday morning, Jan. 4, in Lake Worth, Fla.  More than twenty passengers were injured in the collision. Read the complete article here.

Are school buses safer with seat belts?

In an article published Dec. 27, The Advocate speculates whether or not school buses would be safer with seat belts. Recently, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that school buses could be safer with the addition of safety belts. The agency h [...]

SMART TD members ratify agreement with NY MTA

On December 16, 2015, members of SMART Transportation Division’s Local 1440 (Staten Island, N.Y.) ratified a tentative agreement with the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY MTA). The ratified agreement includes a 15.88 percent pay increase with retroactive pay [...]

Obama delays tax on high-cost group health plans

The Portland Business Journal reported that President Obama has signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 into law. This officially delays the 40 percent excise tax on group health plans. Unions and other organizations that provide strong benefit packages for members w [...]

2016 Omnibus Amtrak funding bill

Congress must do better for passenger rail and roadway safety By John Previsich, President, SMART Transportation Division While we look favorably on efforts made by members of congress to implement stronger and more wide-spread transportation policy upgrades – including incre [...]