Transportation News

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Workers must unite: Only we can save ourselves

“Working Americans must act together, because the only things that can be done for workers must be done by workers – collectively. Like Washington, Jefferson and Adams, we don’t need a king – we need each other.” – Tom O’Brien. Read the article in its [...]

SMART TD member David Pryor featured in “The Atlantic”

David Pryor, Amtrak conductor and member of SMART TD Local 168, loves his job on the commuter rail and shared his sentiments and experiences in a recent interview with The Atlantic.   Not only does the job provide him with the opportunity to travel, he also noted that being o [...]

The outcome of this election will affect your job

By John Risch, SMART TD National Legislative Director For those of you who don’t know me, I’m honored to serve as your elected National Legislative Director. I came from the ranks, starting in the track department on the Burlington Northern and went into train service, spendi [...]

Charlotte Area Transit System members ratify contract

Members of SMART Transportation Division Local 1715 in Charlotte, N.C., overwhelmingly approved a new three-year contract, Friday, Sept. 9, reports Vice President Calvin Studivant. “I would like to thank General Chairperson (GCA TMD) Hasson Trent, Vice General Chairpers [...]


Proposed rule: “Competitive Passenger Rail Service Pilot Program” The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register August 22. This proposed rulemaking from the FRA is a direct result of Section 1130 [...]

Happy Labor Day from SMART TD

SMART Transportation Division wishes everyone a happy Labor Day. Read below to learn about the history of Labor Day.   Department of Labor on the history of Labor Day Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the so [...]

Focus on education at 2016 Regional Meetings

The 2016 Regional Meetings held in July in San Francisco and Chicago was deemed a success by SMART Transportation Division (SMART TD) members who attended. In San Francisco, 298 members attended the meetings, with a total of 507 (including spouses, children, vendors, etc.) pe [...]

BPRR employees vote SMART TD

On August 29, 2016, Maintenance of Way (MOW) and Signalmen, employed by Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad (BPRR), voted for representation by SMART Transportation Division. The National Mediation Board certified the election results August 30. The vote adds 36 MOW and 10 Sign [...]

Rail members: HazMAT Training in Minneapolis

Railroad Worker’s DOT-NIEHS Hazardous Material Training for Minnesota and Upper Midwest SMART-TD members!  WHAT: SMART TD members located in Minnesota or the Upper Midwest from all rail crafts are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible for our HazMat-DOT Train the Trainer [...]