Transportation News

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L.A. Metro bus ridership continues to drop

The Los Angeles Times reported that service-related issues, such as route elimination and ineffective scheduling, may be the main reasons for the steady decrease in bus ridership in Los Angeles.  Read the complete article here.      

After Trump delays federal funds for Caltrain, project back on track

The Washington Examiner reported that the Caltrain electrification project, stalled for months by the Trump administration, is now back on track and moving forward. The Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) is expected to approve the entire funding agreement.  Click her [...]

Crew van bill becomes law in Wash. state

After a prolonged five-year battle against the railroad carriers’ opposition to legislation to ensure the safety of their own employees; ESHB 1105, the number one priority of the SMART TD Washington State Legislative Board, was finally enacted into statute law May 16, w [...]

FEMA appoints SMART TD’s Hayes as rail labor rep

Yvonne Hayes, chairperson of Local 1138 in Miami, Florida, and an assistant general chairperson (GO‐851), was recently selected to serve as a member of the FEMA National Advisory Council (NAC) Railroad Emergency Services Preparedness, Operational Needs and Safety Evaluation ( [...]

GoFundMe Page for Amtrak Conductor Shot in Ill.

SMART TD brother and conductor Mike Case was tragically the victim of a shooting by a disgruntled passenger while working Train 4 in Naperville, Ill. The father of four suffered injuries to his liver, pancreas and parts of his intestines from the single gunshot wound, accordi [...]

SMART TD Regional Meetings coming Up: Educate—Organize—Mobilize!

The SMART TD annual Regional Meeting in San Antonio is coming up soon – reserve your spot now! Click here to reserve online and for additional information. Educate—Organize—Mobilize! This is the theme for SMART Transportation Division’s upcoming regional meetings, to be held [...]

SMART TD members at Birmingham Terminal Railway ratify first pact

After four-plus years of arduous contract negotiations and mediation, SMART TD train and engine service members operating at Birmingham Terminal Railway (BHRR) have ratified their first generation collective bargaining agreement that governs wages and working conditions on th [...]

Amtrak engineer faces criminal charges in 2015 Philadelphia crash recently reported that Brandon Bostian is facing eight counts of involuntary manslaughter, one count of causing or risking a catastrophe and several counts of reckless endangerment – for the 2015 Amtrak crash near Philadelphia. Bostian, an experienced train engi [...]

Railroaders – Tips on sleeping well, despite grueling schedule

Employees of the railroad are no strangers to working long hours and ever-changing shifts. Despite these challenges, rail workers are expected to maintain healthy sleep habits. Click here to learn more about sleep management with’s,  “Smart Sl [...]