Transportation News

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EEOC sues CSX for company-wide sex discrimination

Railroad subjected class of female workers to unlawful physical abilities testing, federal agency charges HUNTINGTON, W.Va. – CSX Transportation, Inc., a provider of rail-based transportation services with operations throughout the eastern half of the United States, vio [...]

NTSB publishes safety alert for MOW

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Monday, July 31, issued a Safety Alert warning rail workers of the risks of working on the tracks using only a watchman/lookout to provide the train approach warning. Safety Alert 066 was prompted in part by the deaths of two ra [...]

James “JR” Cumby, SMART TD Intl. Representative, passes away

James R. “JR” Cumby, age 59, of Salado, Texas, died Friday, July 28, 2017, after a short illness. Mr. Cumby hired out as a yardmaster in 1976, and was an active member of Local 1962. In 2001, Cumby was appointed to the role of Alternate Assistant to the President-Yardmasters [...]

Senate Appropriations Committee passed 2018 transportation funding bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Committee on Appropriations approved the FY2018 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, July 27, which prioritizes funding for critical transportation projects, community development initiatives and [...]

New high-speed commuter rail in Conn. on target for 2018

According to, new speed-rail options for commuters in Connecticut will be available in spring of 2018, with additional routes planned for the cities of New Haven, Hartford and Springfield. Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy announced that TransitAmerica Ser [...]

UP improves rail crossing safety

According to a press release from Union Pacific (UP), the railroad’s safety programs have contributed to a 5 percent decline in vehicle-train collisions at crossings for the first half of 2017, as compared to last year. Click here to read more from Union Pacific.

Medicare to issue new cards in 2018 to protect identities of retirees

Whether a person is receiving Medicare through Social Security or through the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB), the patient may be vulnerable to identity theft due to the SSN/RRB Claim number being present on their Medicare card. Soon, you won’t need to worry about someone obt [...]