SMART Transportation Division has completed a reorganization and expansion of its webpage dedicated to assisting secretaries & treasurers of Locals. The page is at It features guidance for new secretaries & [...]
The office of Designated Legal Counsel Willard J. Moody, Esq., based in Portsmouth, Va., has extended an offer of service to SMART Transportation Division members who may have been unjustly fired for alleged Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) violations. Television station WNYT [...]
4th Quarter 2017 Net Earnings: $552 million or $5.33 per diluted share, compared with 2016’s $130 million or $1.21 per diluted share Revenue: 4th quarter record of $660 million, a 10 percent increase Operating Income: 4th quarter record of $238 million, a 13 percent increase [...]
Real-life Rosie the Riveter, Naomi Parker Fraley, died Saturday, Jan. 20. The iconic World War II “We Can Do It!” posters were based on a 1942 photo of Parker taken while standing at a lathe. A waitress, turned lathe operator, Fraley and her sister Ada joined the [...]
CBS affiliate WKBN reports that two Republican Ohio lawmakers want to try once again to make Ohio a right-to-work state. Representatives John Becker (Dist. 65) and Craig Reiden (Dist. 82) are proposing six different right-to-work measures for the 2020 ballot. This comes just [...]
By Courtney Miller (Union Sportsmen’s Alliance) Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) member Lindsay Lanning was flipping through her SMART Journal when the words “Stalking Your Dream Hunt?” caught her attention. It was a page about the USA and Carhartt Ultimate Elk Hunt Swe [...]
By John Risch, National Legislative Director Last year, SMART Transportation Division tracked 10 votes and two bills in the U.S. House of Representatives that directly impacted our members, families and retirees. These votes ranged from federal funding for Amtrak and Essentia [...]
The U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has announced that during the lapse in federal funding for certain government operations which began Jan. 20, ongoing benefit payments will continue and all RRB offices are expected to remain open. RRB field offices, operating with red [...]
Three former rail workers were found not guilty of criminal negligence by a Canadian jury for their connection to the 2013 Lac-Megantic crash. Locomotive engineer Tom Harding, traffic controller Richard Labrie and manager of train operations Jean Demaitre were charged in 2014 [...]
SMART Transportation Division Colorado State Legislative Director Carl Smith reports that legislators in his state are again considering a Right to Work For Less bill. This is the second time in two years that politicians are attempting to undermine the right to union represe [...]