Big Blue Bus (BBB) operator and SMART TD member Rochelle Beamon (Local 1785) has been honored by Santa Monica, California’s city manager with the city’s “Elaine” award. Beamon has been labeled a hero after she managed to miss hitting a man on an electr [...]
Let’s offer our Sisters, Brothers and Friends to the north a belated “Happy Canada Day” on Sunday, June first. Before the rest of us begin to enjoy ourselves and spend time with our friends, family and loved ones on this Fourth of July, let’s pause to remember the liberties w [...]
OSHA’s campaign to keep workers safe in the heat OSHA’s Heat Illness Prevention campaign, launched in 2011, educates employers and workers on the dangers of working in the heat. Through training sessions, outreach events, informational sessions, publications, soci [...]
The chief actuary of the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) said in his triennial report that the railroad retirement fund will remain solvent with no cash flow problems for nearly three decades, barring any unforeseen drops in rail worker employment over that time. The positive [...]
The Switching Operations Fatality Analysis (SOFA) Working Group in June issued its latest updates on switching fatalities and severe injuries for the entirety of 2017 and for the first quarter of 2018. According to SOFA, there were three switching-related fatalities and nine [...]
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) ruled in favor of safe train operations in June by denying a request by Canadian National (CN) that sought a waiver allowing an extinguished intermediate signal aspect to provide a signal indication. The SMART Transportation Division [...]
A victory for safety was achieved in June when the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Railroad Safety Board denied a request by the Association of American Railroads (AAR) to lengthen the “off-air” restriction from four to 24 hours for required brake tests and inspection [...]
In a joint venture, Alaska’s White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad (WP&Y) is being sold to Survey Point Holdings (majority owners) and Carnival/Holland America (minority owners). The deal is set to be final Aug. 1. “Both companies have experience operating in Southeast Alas [...]
Time to connect! TD Connect and the eBill system are coming your way. Will you be ready? The TD Connect eBill system is going to save treasurers valuable time and energy when it rolls out in January 2019. With this paperless eBill system the entire processing and submitting [...]
A pair of tours has been finalized on July 1 and 2 for attendees of the 2018 SMART Transportation Division Regional Meeting in Seattle. Day 1 (July 1): Puget Sound whale watching tour Attendees will be picked up from the Westin Hotel downtown at 8:15 a.m. Sunday, July 1, and [...]