NORTH OLMSTED, Ohio — The team negotiating the next National Rail Contract which will affect more than 40,000 SMART Transportation Division members has been finalized by the union’s leadership. The team will be led by TD President Jeremy Ferguson with the assistance of Vice P [...]
It’s time to get the TAR in order The SMART Constitution requires the Treasurer’s Annual Report (TAR) to be presented to the membership and then filed at the start of the calendar year. Local trustees are to assemble this month to perform an annual audit of a Local’s fi [...]
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed S. 3425 into law on Jan. 9, a bill requiring rail carriers to maintain vegetation near and around crossings in the state. The bill passed through the New Jersey Senate last May by a unanimous 35-0 vote and later in December was approved unan [...]
His hands are rough. His boots are dirty. He has the resume to prove it. Vance Snider is a SMART Transportation Division member out of Local 1313 in Amarillo, Texas, a veteran of the U.S. Army, a father of two and a BNSF conductor. He’s also running for Congress to represent [...]
Ahead of the 2020 tax season, SMART is gathering detailed information on how the tax changes signed into law in December 2017 have been affecting our members. Under that plan, which went into effect for tax year 2018, one key change was the elimination of nearly all formerly [...]
The SMART Constitution and Ritual was passed by delegates at the 2nd SMART General Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Please click on the image to the left or here to view a copy of the document.
Beginning January 1st, 2020, more than 500 duly elected Legislative Representatives will take their oath of office to serve our great Organization. They have chosen to faithfully serve their membership as SMART-TD officers in the areas of workplace safety, legislation, public [...]
Just before the start of the new year, deals that resulted in the Genesee & Wyoming (G&W) and the Central Maine & Quebec (CM&Q) changing hands were finalized. The Surface Transportation Board in November cleared the way for Brookfield Asset Management and GIC, [...]
The family of Brother Curtis C. McConihay has established a memorial fund for his two daughters. McConihay, 32, of Local 1386 (Parkersburg, W.Va.), was killed in an accident on CSX property in Washington, W.Va., on Dec. 14. He was a U.S. Marine veteran and lived in Southside, [...]
A message from Palmetto GBA: Whether you’re new to Railroad Medicare or starting a new year with Railroad Medicare, it’s important to know about the change to how Medicare identifies you. In 2020, Medicare providers must use your new Medicare number. The old Social Security-b [...]