Transportation News

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SMART-TD Local 622 Supports Our Nation’s Veterans!

SMART-TD is always proud to support a good cause, and there is no better cause than supporting our returning veterans. On October 12, 2024, Local 622 participated in the First Annual Dovetail Landing Rockin For Recovery Fall Festival, helping raise awareness and support for its vital services to veterans. Thank you, Sergeant Stephen Henderson and all the members of Local 622 for your active support of our nation's veterans.

SMART-TD Ready For 2025 Rail Negotiations

SMART-TD is filing Section 6 notices with the railroads, outlining their priorities for the 2025 national agreement negotiations. Over 1,600 member suggestions were reviewed to define key issues for negotiation, including wages, healthcare, attendance policies, and paid leave, with the final draft reflecting a collaborative, member-driven process. Three of the six Class I railroads are already negotiating independently, while the others will meet with us to reach a standard agreement.

2025 And Beyond: The Road Ahead

Following the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, the SMART-TD railroad and transit union commends President-Elect Donald Trump on the success of his bid for re-election. SMART-TD will remain relentless, in our locals, in the coming national negotiations, and in the legislature. Our commitment to advocating for the needs of working people has not and will not be swayed by electoral outcomes.

DIPP Raises Maximum Benefit To $300/Day!

New Maximum Daily Benefit Available for DIPP Participants Starting Jan. 1, 2025 SMART Transportation Division and the Trustees of the Discipline Income Protection Program (DIPP) are pleased to announce a new benefit level for program participants. Beginning January 1, 2025, p [...]

TWU’s SEPTA Workers May Strike In Philadelphia On Nov. 7, 2024

Philadelphia, PA – A potential strike by members of the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) could disrupt public transportation services in Philadelphia starting at 12:01 AM on Thursday, November 7. The announcement comes as TWU members express their discontent over ongo [...]

DIPP Benefit Going UP!

$300 Daily Benefit Now Available Through SMART-TD! SMART-TD Announces Increased Discipline Income Protection Plan Benefits for Railroaders and Bus Operators SMART-TD is excited to share an important update that aims to provide greater protection for our dedicated members. Und [...]

Countdown To Election Day 2024!

When it comes to election recommendations, the only driver for SMART-TD is whether the candidate is WITH US or AGAINST US. We only look at transportation and labor issues. We do our homework on every candidate and evaluate their voting record to determine if a candidate [...]

CSX Yardmasters Ratify New Agreement

SMART-TD Yardmasters voted to ratify their tentative agreement with CSX. Tough questions and independent research lead these YMs to their decision.