Transportation News

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Fundraiser established for Local 1846 member who passed from COVID

Angel Lomeli, a 14-year member of our union, passed away Jan. 5, 2021, from COVID-19. He was 48 years old. Brother Lomeli was a member of Local 1846 (West Colton, Calif.) and worked as a trainman for Union Pacific. “God gained the absolute best angel today, we miss you, [...]

SMART Condemns January 6 Assault on American Democracy

We have just witnessed a sad day in American history.  Leave no doubt, these violent, anti-democratic actions were sown by the incitement of the current president and his elected apologists, who have misled their supporters for far too long. SMART, along with our sisters and [...]

RRB update from the labor member: 2021 Covid and budget notice

Brothers and Sisters, It has been one challenging year for us all and many of you have been hit extremely hard by COVID-19 – if not by the virus itself, by the impact it has had on the railroad industry. As you may have heard, Congress recently enacted legislation to pr [...]

A holiday message from TD President Jeremy Ferguson

Brothers and sisters, The losses and challenges of 2020 have tested us — yet, in the very definition of unity, we’ve stuck together. I could not be prouder of our organization as we look ahead to a new year. We never shied away from anything the past year threw at us. We stoo [...]

FRA roundup – several actions published in Federal Register

Over the past 1.5 weeks, the Federal Railroad Administration has published several notices in the Federal Register. Below are portions of those postings, including: Drug and alcohol testing: Determination of minimum random testing rates for 2021 (notification of determination [...]