Transportation News

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FTA transit safety training registration open

U.S. DOT’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has announced that registration is open for National Transit Institute (NTI) and Transportation Safety Institute (TSI) safety training courses for transit personnel. See the table below for some of the courses being offered by N [...]

In-person treasurer training scheduled for March

The Transportation Division Local Support Department plans a three-day training session for local treasurers in Cleveland from March 8 – 10, 2022. Workshops will run 9 a.m. to 5 or 6 p.m. all three days. The sessions will help local treasurers hone their skills with TD [...]

New FMCSA deputy administrator named

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced in a news release Jan. 19 that Robin Hutcheson will become deputy administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and serve as acting administrator. Hutcheson has served as deputy assistant secret [...]

SMART-TD member loses home in fire

On January 9, 2022, tragedy struck in the form of a fire for Alaska Railroad conductor and SMART-TD Local 1626 (Anchorage, Alaska) member Danielle Gallagher. Gallagher and her two children lost their home near Palmer, Alaska, that night, reports Local 1626 Secretary & Tre [...]

Dates set for 2022 TD Annual Meeting

Save the date for the TD annual meeting! SMART Transportation Division is pleased to announce that plans are underway to resume the TD Annual Meetings after a two-year pandemic disruption. The meeting is scheduled to take place Aug. 8 through 10, 2022, at the San Francisco Hi [...]

Remembering Martin Luther King’s legacy

SMART-TD shares with the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the dream that men and women should be judged not by the color of their skin, their nationality or religious beliefs, but by the content of their hearts. King’s brilliance, vision, leadership and ultimate personal sacri [...]

Former VP Donald Carver passes away

Former Vice President Donald Carver, who led the United Transportation Union Yardmasters Department from 1987 until his retirement in 2003, passed away January 11, 2022, one day prior to his 79th birthday, his family announced. Brother Carver had a 41-year career on the railr [...]