Transportation News

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Rail members’ input sought by FRA for fatigue survey

The Federal Railroad Administration is asking T&E rail members of the SMART Transportation Division to participate in a wide-reaching survey of T&E personnel on the topic of fatigue. Participants working in T&E roles in either passenger or freight service are high [...]

Member fatally shot in shooting

Amtrak conductor and Local 1470 (Edmonston, Md.) member James E. Blue III, 43, was shot multiple times Jan. 25 outside a home he was in the process of remodeling while talking on a cellphone to his son, who is away at college. He was taken to an area hospital where he was pro [...]

Hazmat training program offering virtual courses

The Rail Workers Hazardous Materials Training Program is offering new virtual courses in February and March. 10-hour OSHA General Industry Course — This course is intended to increase workers’ knowledge on hazards they may encounter on a job site and their rights. Train [...]

Local 1704 mourns death of vice chairperson Debria Bradford

Vice Chairperson Debria L. Bradford (GCA-STU), 56, a longtime officer of SMART Transportation Division Local 1704 (Kansas City, Mo.), passed away Jan. 26, 2022. “She served numerous positions in our local — sergeant of arms, trustee,” said General Chairperson Sharon Harris (G [...]

Update in SMART-TD, BLET attendance dispute with BNSF

CLEVELAND, Ohio, (January 28, 2022) — SMART-TD and BLET members employed by BNSF Railway continue to labor under a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) issued by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, which was issued on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. I [...]

New Board Member Hamilton sworn in, assumes position with NMB

The National Mediation Board (NMB) is pleased to announce the arrival of new Board Member, Deirdre Hamilton. Ms. Hamilton was confirmed by the United States Senate on December 7, 2021. She was sworn in and assumed her position with the NMB on January 25, 2022.