Transportation News

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Balloting closes TONIGHT for tentative national rail agreement

Balloting to have your voice heard on the tentative National Rail Agreement (TA) closes 11:59 p.m. Eastern TONIGHT, Nov. 20, 2022. We thank all of the members who have participated thus far by casting your vote. For those who have not yet voted, we wanted to provide a one-sto [...]

SMART-TD, BLET town hall yields facts about tentative agreement

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, November 11 — At a November 9 Town Hall meeting, SMART Transportation Division President Jeremy Ferguson and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen President Dennis Pierce discussed the tentative National Rail Agreement with dozens of members fro [...]

A message to veterans from President Ferguson

Today and every day, I always take a moment to acknowledge and thank our SMART Transportation Division members who are fellow veterans of the United States military. Our veterans are a source of pride to our organization for what they have contributed and sacrificed for the g [...]

BLET, SMART-TD to host Town Hall meeting on November 9

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, (Nov. 3, 2022) — The BLET and SMART-TD will host a joint town hall meeting next week to discuss the tentative national rail agreement. Members of both unions from all involved railroads are welcome to attend. Details are as follows: Time: 5:30 p.m., Wednes [...]

Update on SMART-TD balloting for National Rail Tentative Agreement

ATTENTION: ALL SMART-TD RAIL MEMBERS SUBJECT TO NATIONAL HANDLING Ballots have been sent out to all eligible SMART-TD members for voting on the 2022 National Rail Tentative Agreement. A PDF synopsis of the Tentative Agreement can be found here, and a full PDF copy of the Tent [...]

Rule of 2 comment period extended by FRA to Dec. 21

Due to the importance of the issue and the record response, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has extended the comment period for the Noticed of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on a two-person minimum freight crew size rule, the SMART Transportation Division National Legis [...]

SMART-TD Local 206 mourns sudden loss of member

Switchman Thomas A. Wall, 22, of Local 206 (Peru, Ind.) died suddenly on Oct. 19 after experiencing a flare-up of an autoimmune liver disease while at work. His family said that he was responding well to treatment and was looking forward to returning to work after undergoing [...]

Tentative agreement documents released

The 2022 Tentative Agreement (TA) documents for Transportation Division members under national rail contract handling are available to be reviewed through the SMART Member Portal. Both PDFs of the TA (with rate tables to be added) and the Questions and Answers that accompany [...]