Transportation News

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I am optimistic for 2010

By Rich Deiser Vice President, Bus Department During my six months as Bus Department vice president, I have done my absolute best to meet many of you, and I look forward to getting to know more of you in 2010. I still have a lot to learn and look to you for guidance. Hopefull [...]

Retiring soon? Don’t be a fraud victim

 By UTU GS&T Kim Thompson A recent article on the UTU Web site, headlined “Ponzi Scheme Targets Retired L.A. Bus Drivers,” reminded me of the pitfalls that our members can face in having a secure retirement. It seems you can’t watch the evening news, open a ne [...]

Want more info on health care bill?

The Department of Labor has a Web page that provides substantial information on the new health care law, formally known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. To access that page, click here.

Interest-based bargaining key to success

By Retired GS&T Dan Johnson In the January issue of UTU News, the two-page centerfold summarized provisions of the Railway Labor Act. In the February issue, I explained how the Railway Labor Act is purposely designed to encourage both sides to reach a mutually acceptable [...]

RRB celebrates 75th birthday

The 75th anniversary of the enactment of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1935 is being observed during 2010. Part of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation, the Act was signed into law on August 29, 1935, the Railroad Retirement Board reports. It was in the [...]

UBH boosts mental-health services

Beginning in April and continuing through June, a new “point of entry” program will be available for participants covered under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan or the National Railway Carriers/United Transportation Union Plan sponsored by t [...]

United, US Airways in merger talks

MINNEAPOLIS — The CEOs of United Airlines and US Airways have both been up front about their desire to merge with another airline. Now it appears they’re talking to each other, the Associated Press reports. The two are in talks about a combination that would creat [...]

Carriers reject SMWIA dues demand

The National Railway Labor Conference (NRLC), in an April 1 letter to the Sheet Metal Workers International Association and its General President Mike Sullivan, has recognized the requirements of status quo under the Railway Labor Act and said all carriers will continue remit [...]

RLA designed to avoid strikes, lockouts

By Retired UTU GS&T Dan Johnson In the February issue of UTU News, it was explained that the Railway Labor Act (RLA) is purposely designed to encourage both sides to reach a mutually acceptable solution that keeps the trains running. Railroad contracts have no expiration [...]

Health care reform: Now!

By UTU International President Mike Futhey I agree with President Obama regarding health care legislation: “Let us find a way to come together and finish the job for the American people.” We, as a nation, Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals ̵ [...]