Transportation News

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NMB officials join national labor talks

In an effort to facilitate a new national rail agreement between the UTU and most of the nation’s railroads, two members of the National Mediation Board attended the ninth negotiating session between the UTU and the National Carriers’ Conference Committee (NCCC) i [...]

Labor foes now attacking freedom of speech

The attack on organized labor by right-wing extremists seems to have no boundaries. The latest outrage is an attempt by a conservative research group in Michigan to intimidate college professors it considers sympathetic to organized labor. News organizations report the Mackin [...]

Mother of UTU Wisconsin SLD dies

Helen Deneen, 88, mother of UTU Wisconsin Legislative Director Tim Deneen died March 28. Tim’s son, Brandan, had been caring for her at her home. A service will be held March 31 at St. Bernard’s Catholic Church, 2015 Parmenter St., Middleton, Wis., and internment [...]

Tell Congress: ‘Preserve democratic elections’

WASHINGTON — As the House of Representatives later this week decides whether to second-guess the expert National Mediation Board, lawmakers must ponder voting for a double standard. At issue is an NMB decision last year to make union representation elections more democr [...]

Bus safety bills introduced in House, Senate

WASHINGTON — Bipartisan legislation to improve motorcoach safety has been introduced in the House and Senate. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) jointly introduced S. 453, the Motorcoach Enhanced Safety Act, which is co-sponsored by Sena [...]

UTU seeks worker protection from hazmat

WASHINGTON — A doubling in the number of damaged or leaking hazardous materials containers shipped by rail has prompted the UTU and six other rail labor organizations to petition the Federal Railroad Administration for enhanced safety standards to protect rail workers a [...]

Say it ain’t so, governor

Say it ain’t so, governor. But it is. Maine Republican Gov. Paul LePage has ordered removal from the Maine Department of Labor of a 36-foot, 11-panel mural depicting the state’s and nation’s proud labor history. Gone will be World War II icon Rosie the Riveter and [...]

Arbitrator named in UTU-SMWIA merger dispute

Pursuant to a March 4 ruling of a federal district court judge, an arbitrator has been named to determine whether the merger agreement between the UTU and the Sheet Metal Workers International Association (SMWIA) is an enforceable agreement. Georgetown University law professo [...]

Rail execs remain bullish for 2011

Railroads are expecting an even stronger second quarter in 2011 following a 5 percent increase in carload volume during the first three months of 2011, carrier executives told a J.P. Morgan financial conference in New York March 24. This prediction comes on top of strong prof [...]

Rail cellphone ban permanent March 28

The Federal Railroad Administration’s ban on the use of cellphones and other electronic devices — personal and carrier-issued — becomes permanent Monday, March 28. The ban applies to all on-duty train crew members. Don’t let a railroad or federal safet [...]