Transportation News

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North Platte, Neb., retirees to meet

NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — UTU Alumni Association Chapter 17 will host its  second annual UTU/UTUe alumni luncheon Tuesday, Oct. 4, at noon, here at the Depot Restaurant, 520 N. Jeffers. All retirees, and their spouse or friends are welcome to attend. For more information con [...]

UTU pact sweet as health care premiums soar

The UTU’s ratified national rail contract – locking in for six years a $200 monthly health care insurance premium — is looking even more attractive following a Kaiser Family Foundation study showing health care costs and health care premiums are rocketing into space. Na [...]

New RRB labor member; NMB nominees await Senate

WASHINGTON – A former secretary-treasurer of the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen – Walt Barrows – is the new labor member of the Railroad Retirement Board following his Senate confirmation Sept. 27. He succeeds Butch Speakman, who chose to retire. Barrows began his railroad [...]

Court orders FMCSA to consider UTU concerns

By Calvin StudivantAlternate Vice President, Bus Department In late August, a federal appeals court vacated the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s final rule requiring electronic onboard recorders. The court said the rule does not sufficiently protect drivers from [...]

Door reopened slightly on high-speed rail funding

WASHINGTON – Just when federal funding for high-speed rail appeared dead as a rusted rail spike, Senate Democratic Leader Dick Durbin of Illinois exercised his clout and reopened the door – if only slightly. On Sept. 20, the Senate Transportation Appropriations Committee vote [...]

New rail rate tables now posted online

The standard basic daily and mileage rates of pay negotiated under the new national rail contract are now available at The rate tables pertain to employees in the crafts of conductor, yardman, brakeman, engineer and fireman/hostler who are covered by the [...]

Congress and the road ahead

By James StemUTU National Legislative Director Congress is back from its August recess and eyes are focused on the “Super Committee” of House and Senate members charged with finding $1.5 trillion in budget cuts over the next 10 years. Should that committee fail to agree ̵ [...]

Do not become a victim of fraud

Financial fraud can empty your life savings. Here are 10 steps suggested by best-selling author Charles Murray. Every deal is a potential scam: Recognize that fraud is an act of deceit by one party intended to induce another to part with something of value. Map out your goals [...]

What is Medicare? How do I get started?

Medicare is the primary health insurance for retirees and their spouses. It is available for those over age 65, those under 65 with certain disabilities, and those of any age with permanent kidney failure. It consists of Parts A, B, C and D. Part A helps cover inpatient care [...]

UTUIA helps provide secure retirements

How long will you live after you retire, and will you have enough money to live on comfortably? Good question. That’s why – before you retire – you should think about post-retirement economic security, because few things could be worse than money running out [...]