WASHINGTON – A Final Rule has been issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) prohibiting bus (including school bus) drivers and truck drivers, operating in interstate commerce, from using hand-held cell phone while operating their vehicles. Also innclu [...]
Revisions to the Anthem Voluntary Short Term Disability (VSTD) plan that better reflect the actual claims experience of our rail members and adjust to the prevailing market rate for this type of coverage will become effective Jan. 1, 2012. Revisions to the Lincoln National Li [...]
WASHINGTON — Congress, unable to agree on very much lately, has agreed on funding for Amtrak, bus transportation, commercial aviation and transit through Sept. 30, 2012. The funding is for fiscal year 2012, which began Oct. 1. Earlier, Congress agreed to legislation extending [...]
Two locals have placed holiday party announcements in the November issue of the UTU News, which may not reach all members in sufficient time to plan attendance. To ensure that members have advance notice of the upcoming get-togethers, see the listing of announcements below: L [...]
The UTU International is receiving questions from members regarding recommendations of Presidential Emergency Board 243, which was created under provisions of the Railway Labor Act after talks between other rail unions and the National Carriers’ Conference Committee (NCCC) br [...]
WASHINGTON – The Federal Railroad Administration, in response to inquiries about when it is permissible for an employee directing the movement to operate a motor vehicle in the context of a pushing or shoving movement, has issued the following advisory: The central concern in [...]
The published fax number for the UTU’s Discipline Income Protection Program (DIPP), (216) 227-5209, is not working. Until the technical issues are resolved, those needing to contact the DIPP by fax should use this number: (216) 916-4845. Watch www.utu.org/ for notice th [...]
WASHINGTON – For more than four years, Congress has attempted, unsuccessfully, to pass a long-term commercial aviation funding bill to modernize airports and the national’s air traffic control system. Two sticking points this year in reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Ad [...]
A former treasurer of UTU Local 1006 (Brownsville, Pa.), Derek Klingman, has been indicted on charges of embezzling more than $9,300 from his local, reports the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. The newspaper reports the indictment alleges Klingman “wrote and cashed unauthoriz [...]
WASHINGTON – The Federal Railroad Administration’s chief legal counsel has been named deputy administrator – the agency’s number two position. Karen Hedlund succeeds Karen Rae, who departed to take a post in the administration of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Hedlund had been a [...]