SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – UTU Missouri State Legislative Director Ken Menges is halfway toward a goal of creating a public rail commission to study means of expanding and financing improved multi-modal passenger transportation in his state and throughout the Midwest, with an emphasi [...]
Small can be big – especially when “small” is small lifestyle changes, such as weight loss, more exercise, a reduction in alcohol consumption, and kicking a tobacco habit. Such lifestyle changes, say health care experts, may lead to “big” health improvements and a happier you [...]
By UTU International President Mike Futhey – Railroaders should not lose sleep over a rumor that Congress will cut Railroad Retirement benefits. The rumor began after language was inserted in a budget report by conservative Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) suggesting the federal defi [...]
Many UTU members obtain their prescription drugs through Medco, which has been acquired by Express Scripts following Federal Trade Commission approval of the corporate combination. Notwithstanding the acquisition by Express Scripts of Medco, UTU members receiving mail order p [...]
“Fatigue,” says the National Transportation Safety Board, was “the probable cause” of rear-end accident involving two BNSF freight trains near Red Oak, Iowa, April 17, 2011, that killed a UTU-member conductor and the train’s engineer. The NTSB concluded that the crewmembers w [...]
BNSF reported a 15 percent increase in profit forf the first quarter 2012 versus first quarter 2011, citing improved pricing and higher fuel surcharges. BNSF’s first quarter 2012 operating ratio of 74.4 percent was one percentage point lower than for the first quarter 2 [...]
Railroad retirees and current rail workers should not be losing sleep over the much-hyped rumor that Congress is going to abolish Railroad Retirement, cut Railroad Retirement benefits or otherwise do harm to a system supported financially entirely by carriers and labor since [...]
Mention in Illinois the names of the anti-union governors of Indiana and Wisconsin – Scott Walker and Mitch Daniels – and, well, just start watching, listening and counting. When the Wisconsin and Indiana governors separately ventured into Illinois April 17 and 19 for pre-arr [...]
SMART Transportation Division-member yardmaster nearing retirement wishing to maintain their current connection with Minnesota Life to retain a supplemental $2,000 life insurance benefit should contact the Yardmaster Department at the SMART Transportation Division Headquarter [...]
The incidence of childhood obesity has more than tripled over the past 30 years, according to data developed by UnitedHealthcare. Since 1980, the incidence of childhood obesity in children between 6 and 11 years old has jumped from 7 percent to 20 percent; and among children [...]