Tori Nakol Swoape, a niece of UTU International Vice President Delbert Strunk, was, according to friends, a “beautiful” and “very bubbly” 15-year old high school sophomore. Tori committed suicide in May, the victim, say friends and family, of relentless physical and verbal bu [...]
OTTAWA – Some 4,800 striking Canadian Pacific Railway locomotive engineers, conductors and rail traffic controllers represented by the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference are returning to their jobs June 1 following final passage by Parliament of back-to-work legislation. The st [...]
During the month of May, one UTU member was killed in North Dakota in a rail switching accident, another was murdered on his bus route in Los Angeles, and another lost a foot in Missouri in a yard switching accident. On CP Rail (Soo Line) in Kenmare, N.D., conductor Robert J [...]
Railroad employees and/or their eligible dependents covered under the national railroad medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits plans may now find information about those benefits on a single web page. The Railroad Information Depot webpage add [...]
UTU Virginia State Legislative Director Walter W. Yeatts (UTU Local 971, Crewe, Va.) died unexpectedly Sunday, May 20. He had celebrated his 51st birthday May 12 and was a UTU member for more than 30 years, including service on Norfolk Southern and predecessor Norfolk & W [...]
Train and engine employees on Colorado short line San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad have voted to be represented by the UTU. This is the 30th organizing win in 53 months for the UTU. International Vice President Bonnie Morr led the organizing effort. The 150-mile San Luis &a [...]
In the wake of 10 more arrests of Long Island Rail Road retirees for alleged conspiracy to commit health care fraud in collecting disability payments, the U.S. attorney in charge of the investigation has offered amnesty from prosecution for any retiree who comes forward volun [...]
WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – A Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) bus driver, and member of UTU Local 1563, was murdered aboard his bus here Sunday morning, May 20, by a lone gunman, according to media reports. Alan Thomas, 51, who began driving par [...]
After 53 fruitless mediated bargaining sessions stretching over almost three years between United Transportation Union-represented pilots and Great Lakes Airlines, the union has asked the National Mediation Board to declare an impasse in the talks, release the parties from me [...]
It’s confidential and no-fault. And the result, according to the Federal Railroad Administration, is a significant reduction in rail workplace derailments that too often lead to serious injury and death — plus, as a bonus, better labor/management relationships and impro [...]