Transportation News

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Photo recap of TD Labor Day events

Monday, Sept. 4, marked Labor Day in the United States and our members were out making their presence known in celebration of the work we do while raising awareness about the work that still needs to be done in this country to raise the profile of the working class and organi [...]

Retired TD Local 1374 leader Sam Marino passes away

Samuel “Sam” J. Marino, 77, passed away at his home September 4, 2023, after a long illness. He hired out with the B&O Railroad (now CSX) in December 1966 and he applied and was approved for membership in the United Transportation Union predecessor Brotherhood of Railroad [...]

A Labor Day message from TD President Jeremy Ferguson

Brothers and sisters, For many Americans, Labor Day simply signifies the end of summer, beginning of the school year or is viewed as a day off from work. For those of us involved in organized labor, it means more. However, and whenever you are able to celebrate Labor Day, I a [...]

Incremental progress on hot wheel detection’s not enough

As kids, the term “Hot Wheels” brought to mind good times playing with tricked-out toy cars and letting your imagination take it from there. As railroad professionals, this term goes from warm and fuzzy childhood memories to the gut-churning stuff of nightmares. Railroaders a [...]

When technology failed, our NS members rose up during outage

On August 28, the Norfolk Southern rail network’s technological infrastructure failed. Crews couldn’t print off their pre-departure paperwork at the terminals. No one was able to report their hours of service. Many were unable to verify the consists of their trains. Emails we [...]

Fringe benefit review shows substantial gains for rail workers

Upwards of 70% of UPS employees are represented by the Teamsters Union. In one of the most prominent news stories of the summer, the Teamsters and UPS workers fought the good fight against the corporation and made large gains in their levels of pay and company-provided fringe [...]

Additional information out for October TD meeting in Toledo

The initial schedule and information about the upcoming SMART Transportation Division Regional Training Seminar (RTS) set for Oct. 3 through 6, 2023, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Toledo, Ohio, has been released and is available through the SMART app or via PDF. Learning sessio [...]