Transportation News

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Republican nominated to vacant NMB post

WASHINGTON – Nicholas C. Geale, a Republican staff member of the Senate Health, Education and Labor Committee, was nominated by President Obama Dec. 17 to be a member of the National Mediation Board, which administers the Railway Labor Act affecting railroads and airlines. If [...]

Update on Amtrak negotiations

UTU Amtrak conductors and yardmasters are currently in mediation with regard to an amended wage, benefits and working conditions agreement. The UTU and Amtrak are far apart on a few difficult issues. At this time, the parties are exploring alternative methods of interest-base [...]

Alabama railroad votes SMART representation

Train and engine service employees on Birmingham Terminal Railway – a Watco property – have voted to be represented by the SMART Transportation Division. Rich Ross, SMART Transportation Division’s director of organizing, thanked Alabama State Legislative Director Neil Elders [...]

New OSHA standards may affect flight attendants

The Federal Aviation Administration has issued a proposed policy statement to establish the extent to which OSHA regulations may apply to flight attendants onboard an aircraft in operation. An FAA-OSHA memorandum of understanding (MOU) previously established a team to identif [...]

No room for drugs, alcohol in workplace

By Assistant President John Previsich We all know that drug and alcohol use can have a negative impact on users, fellow employees and the transportation industry. That said, it must be emphasized that SMART members are to be commended for setting a compliance standard that pl [...]

Amtrak Chair Carper gains boost from Senate leader

Amtrak Board Chairman Tom Carper has won endorsement from Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) for renomination by President Obama. That nomination would require Senate confirmation. Carper, a former mayor of McComb, Ill., has served on the Amtrak board since March 200 [...]

Signal, bridge defects eyed in hazmat mishap

PAULSBORO, N.J. — A signal  problem and/or a bridge-locking defect may have been contributing factors in a Conrail bridge collapse and CSX train derailment here Nov. 30. Paulsboro is some 20 miles southeast of Philadelphia. Some 12,500 gallons of the hazardous material [...]

Civil fines upped for school bus operators

Civil penalties for school bus firms operating unsafe equipment have been increased, effective Dec. 27, by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The regulation applies to all schools or school systems who own or operate school buses. All school buses, whether in [...]

Amtrak’s future crucial to Rail Retirement financing

Stem “Every Amtrak employee should be placed in a productive position that supports the needs of customer service and managed growth of operations,” UTU National Legislative Director James Stem told Congress Nov. 28. “Amtrak operating crews are among the most productive [...]

RRB awards Palmetto GBA new Medicare contract

The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has once again awarded its Medicare contract to Palmetto GBA, which will continue to handle Medicare Part B claims for Railroad Retirement beneficiaries. The award, which was announced Sept. 28, names Palmetto as the Railroad Specialty Medi [...]