Transportation News

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Alternate Vice President Barrilleaux retires

Alternate International Vice President Larry Barrilleaux, 61, has retired, effective Jan. 15. A member of Local 1836 at New Orleans, Barrilleaux began his railroad career in 1973 as a switchman on Texas Pacific/Missouri Pacific Railroad in New Orleans, La. In 1975, he was ele [...]

A show of solidarity at Minnesota shortline picket

More than 50 UTU members turned out Jan. 15 to participate in an informational picket of Progressive Rail, Inc., outside the company’s Lakeville, Minn., headquarters. Those members from UTU Locals 64 (Huron, S.D.), 650 (Minneapolis, Minn.), 911 (Minneapolis, Minn.), 1000 (Min [...]

UTU supports crack down on unsafe bus carriers

The UTU joined other affiliates of the Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO on Jan. 14 in submitting comments on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Patterns of Safety Violations by Motor Carrier Managem [...]

OSHA, BNSF reach accord over whistleblowers

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has signed an accord with BNSF Railway Co. announcing BNSF’s voluntary revision of several personnel policies that OSHA alleged violated the whistleblower provisions of [...]

“Nurse line” offers answers to medical questions

Members covered by Aetna, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield or UnitedHealthcare seeking information about treatment options, chronic conditions or answers to other health-related questions can call a “nurse line” for answers 24 hours a day, every day. This free serv [...]

Labor Secretary Solis stepping down

The White House has confirmed today that Labor Secretary Hilda Solis will not return for President Barack Obama’s second term. Prior to her confirmation as Secretary of Labor, Solis served as a member of Congress, representing the 32nd Congressional District in Californ [...]

Union Plus scholarship deadline is Jan. 31

The deadline for applying for a Union Plus scholarship is Thurs., Jan. 31. Scholarship amounts range from $500 to $4,000. These one-time cash awards are for study beginning in fall of 2013. Students may re-apply each year. For complete details click here.

They hire you, then work to fire you

By John Previsich, UTU Assistant President/ GS&T –  Discipline in the railroad industry is a curious business. I recall that when I first hired out, I was proud of my new employment. The railroad had selected me over other well-qualified applicants, and I was sent to scho [...]

Transit friend to head Senate Budget Committee

By Bonnie MorrVice President, Bus Department –  Sen. Patty Murray, a Democrat from Washington State, is the new chairperson of the Senate Budget Committee, which makes decisions on how much of the annual federal budget is available for transit. As chairperson, Sen. Murray wil [...]

Senate confirms two to Amtrak board

The U.S. Senate has confirmed Christopher R. Beall and Yvonne Brathwaite Burke as new members of the Amtrak Board of Directors for five-year terms. Beall, of Oklahoma, is a partner at Highstar Capital, an infrastructure investment firm specializing in the transportation, envi [...]