Transportation News

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Beware this backdoor effort to silence labor’s voice

By National Legislative Director James Stem – You remember Humpty Dumpty, the character created by children’s author Lewis Carroll. Most famously, Humpty Dumpty said, ‘When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean.” Humpty Dumpty may well have wr [...]

Arbitrator, educator Frank Quinn dies at 80

Arbitrator Frank Quinn, well known to hundreds of UTU officers and members as a long-time educator at UTU regional meetings, a respected neutral in rail arbitration cases and as an author, has died at age 80. Francis Xavier Quinn earned bachelor of arts, master of arts and ma [...]

$1 dues hike sought to fund 2014 conventions

As the initial SMART Transportation Division convention will be held in 2014 – one year earlier than a UTU quadrennial convention that no longer will take place owing to the merger – plus a second SMART convention, UTU delegates are being asked to approve a $1 monthly Interna [...]

EJ&E yardmasters, hostlers ratify new agreements

Wier UTU-represented yardmasters and hostlers employed by the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway have ratified separate new six-year agreements by overwhelming majorities. The new agreements provide for annual wage increases and back-pay; establish 401-k retirement plans, disa [...]

Congressional elections matter to UTU members

By John Risch,Alternate National Legislative Director – Congressional elections do matter. They make a difference when it comes to our job security, wages, benefits, retirement and our safety in the workplace. President Obama and labor-friendly congressional representat [...]

Absentee ballots might need extra postage

If you are voting absentee by mail, note that your ballot might need extra postage.  Many absentee ballots for the Nov. 4 presidential election are so long and weigh so much that mailing them back to elections supervisors requires extra postage, in many cases.  The U.S. Posta [...]

An explanation of Medicare

This article, provided by Palmetto GBA Railroad Medicare, outlines the various “parts” of Medicare and explains which types of services are covered under each. What Is Part A? Part A includes inpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility (or SNF), nursing home, hospice and hom [...]

Transit jobs, retirement at stake Election Day

Conservative Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are committed to repealing the Affordable Care Act. Conservative Republicans also are committed to privatizing Social Security and turning Medicare into a voucher program with more costs coming out of retirees’ pockets. By co [...]

Railroad H&W plans’ open enrollment now available

Eligible railroad employees and/or dependents can now complete their annual re-enrollment online at the Railroad Information Depot website. The website also contains information about the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) now available for employees of participating railroads. [...]

Early voting permitted in most states

You can’t vote often on Election Day, Nov. 6, but you can vote early. Most states permit early voting by those who may not be near their voting location on Election Day. For UTU members who work unconventional hours and are frequently at away-from-home terminals, early voting [...]