Transportation News

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Recognizing our women railroaders

The railroad industry has a handful of trade magazines that do a very thorough job of covering what is going on in the world of government regulations as well as technology and industry trends. One thing that these magazines do with regularity is to put out lists they bill as [...]

Rail labor organizations urge Biden to renominate Bragg to RRB

The following letter was submitted by the Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, of which the SMART Transportation Division and Mechanical Division are members, on behalf of SMART and a number of other labor unions to President Joe Biden earlier this week. November [...]

House Republicans push back vote on Amtrak cuts

The SMART Transportation Division has been asking for help and advocacy from our members this week to reach out to Congress and let them know that it is not OK to gut the federal spending for Amtrak. Late Thursday, it appears that your voices have been heard loud and clear an [...]

N.J. SLD Sabol honored for labor advocacy

The SMART Transportation Division (SMART-TD) is thrilled to announce that one of its own, New Jersey State Legislative Director Ron Sabol, was honored at the 35th Annual Knights of Labor award ceremony on Oct. 28. This event is hosted annually by the AFL-CIO Central Labor Cou [...]

Rail labor collectively urges representatives to oppose House THUD bill

The Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, of which the SMART Transportation and Mechanical Divisions are members, issued the following letter today, Oct. 31, on the Transportation Housing and Urban Development bill under consideration in the U.S. House. Dear Repres [...]