Transportation News

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W. Va. residents support Amtrak

Politics seem to be more divisive than ever, and campaigns seem to never end. The one thing that unites Americans across political and ideological lines is the need for good transportation options, and their overwhelming support for our national passenger railroad, Amtrak. Re [...]

Infrastructure Week 2014 will be held May 12-16

Infrastructure Week 2014 will be held May 12-16 and will explore emerging solutions, innovative approaches and best practices being developed nationwide to modernize aging infrastructure. Daily signature events will focus on major infrastructure challenges, including freight [...]

We must understand the meaning of solidarity

By Bonnie Morr, Vice President, Bus –  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines solidarity as a feeling of unity between people who have the same community of interests or goals based on certain objectives and standards. Is this not what our union, and all of organized labor ar [...]

Obama appoints new management member to RRB

President Obama has appointed Steven J. Anthony to be the management member of the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board. His appointment was confirmed by the Senate on April 9, and he was sworn into office on May 8. Mr. Anthony’s term will expire in August 2018. Anthony succeeds Je [...]

SMART General Convention notice to locals

International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers General Secretary-Treasurer Joe Sellers Jr. has issued the following SMART General Convention notice to all local union presidents, business managers, financial secretary-treasurers and local Trans [...]

Amtrak service comes to St. Paul Union Depot

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Amtrak inaugurated service to Union Depot in St. Paul May 7, effective with the arrival of the Empire Builder from Chicago. Amtrak President and CEO Joe Boardman was among several transportation leaders who cut the ribbon for the first-ever Amtrak service in [...]

Derailment inspires call for rail safety reforms

WASHINGTON – A bill introduced in the House of Representatives this week calls for sweeping rail safety reforms in the wake of the train derailment in Spuyten Duyvil last December that killed four and injured dozens of others. The comprehensive legislation was proposed by thr [...]

Colo. governor to sign bill preserving Amtrak service

DENVER – Gov. John Hickenlooper May 6 announced that he plans to sign H.B. 1161 on May 14 at the Pueblo Union Depot. The bill establishes a commission and fund to preserve the current Amtrak passenger train service in southern Colorado and potentially expand that service to i [...]

Join Amtrak in Celebration of ‘Why Trains Matter’

WASHINGTON – Amtrak invites America to celebrate the many benefits trains bring to the nation at the seventh annual National Train Day on May 10, 2014. Trains are an integral part of daily American life and connect communities, provide jobs and economic development, support l [...]

Re-enactment of Golden Spike ceremony May 10

PROMONTORY, Utah – A re-enactment ceremony on Saturday (May 10) will mark the 145 years that have passed since the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. The annual May 10 re-enactment of the driving of the Golden Spike has been held since the railroad’s completio [...]