Transportation News

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Great Lakes reports losses

Great Lakes Airlines, the sole commercial carrier servicing Cortez, soars across blue skies in the red. Servicing 30 airports across nine states, the Cheyenne-based regional airline reported a total net loss of more than $4.2 million at the close of the first quarter this yea [...]

TD's June paper to be published after convention

The June 2014 issue of the SMART Transportation Division News will be published following the proceedings of the First SMART Transportation Division Convention June 30-July 2. Publishing the newspaper after the convention will allow the Transportation Division to provide its [...]

LIRR unions may skip talks after MTA leaks details

The MTA’s decision to publicize its newest contract offer to LIRR workers — who are threatening a strike next month — has union leaders considering whether to ditch a new round of negotiations set for Friday. Anthony Simon, a spokesman for a coalition of Long Island Rail Road [...]

Former RYA President Arch T. Otto dies

Arch “Tom” Otto, 91, former national president of the Railroad Yardmasters of America from 1971 to 1985, passed away Feb. 23, 2014. Otto was born Aug. 24, 1922, in Wheeling, W.Va., graduated from Wheeling High School and attended Bethany College. A member of SMART Transportat [...]

Supreme Court to hear Amtrak dispute

The Supreme Court said June 23 it will consider whether Amtrak can partner with a government agency to create rules that other private railroads must follow. The justices agreed to hear the Obama administration’s appeal of a lower court ruling that said Congress unconst [...]

Year begins July 1 for RRB unemployment benefits

A new benefit year under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act begins July 1, 2014. The maximum daily benefit rate payable for claims under this Act increases to $70 in the new benefit year. Benefits are normally paid for the number of days of unemployment or sickness over [...]

FRA's Szabo challenges southeast states on rail

RICHMOND, Va. – Federal Railroad Administrator Joseph C. Szabo today called on elected officials and transportation planners in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia to develop a shared vision of rail service along the Southeast High-Speed Rail Corridor (SEHSR) [...]

SMART announces June 21 rally in LIRR dispute

The International Association of Sheet, Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers and its allied unions on the Long Island Rail Road invite members of organized labor and their family, friends and supporters to a “LIRR Labor Rally” on Saturday, June 21, at 11 a.m. at the Ma [...]

Officer’s support for veterans catches USA Cares’ eye

Member Carlos Wallace is a man with many titles: Union Pacific engineer, general committee secretary (GO 927), local chairperson, delegate, philanthropist and author. He can now add another – official spokesperson of the Texas chapter of USA Cares. The U.S. Navy veteran of Op [...]

Social Security closes offices as boomers age

WASHINGTON – Even as millions of baby boomers approach retirement, the Social Security Administration has been closing dozens of field offices, forcing more and more seniors to seek help online instead of in person, according to a congressional report being released Wednesday [...]