Transportation News

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Legislative, Alt. Legislative Rep. elections planned

Members and SMART Transportation Division (TD) Local officers are reminded elections for the positions of Legislative Representative and Alternate Legislative Representative are being conducted this autumn by all TD Locals, with nominations to be taken at the October 2015 mee [...]

Operation Lifesaver awards $204k for safety campaigns

Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI), in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), announced more than $200,000 in grants to 13 State Operation Lifesaver programs for a variety of highway-rail grade crossing safety public education projects, in conjunction with t [...]

Most railroads won't meet PTC deadline

WASHINGTON — The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) sent its Status of Positive Train Control Implementation report to Congress. The report is mandated by the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee and shows that after seven years and significant assistance from [...]

Taking school bus safety to a new level

Last month at NHTSA, we brought together many of our safety partners to discuss how we might better protect children when they ride school buses. Today, thankfully, school buses are the safest way for children to get around. On average each year, four school-age children lost [...]

FAA: drones flew near four planes in three days

Crew members on three commercial flights arriving in New York over the weekend spotted drones near their planes while approaching the airport. A small plane was also forced to change direction to avoid a drone in southern New Jersey on Sunday. Aviation experts said such incid [...]

Train boosters say 'save Amtrak'

People who want to preserve state subsidies for Amtrak want Gov. Bruce Rauner (R – Ill.) to know they have not gone away. A news conference featuring state lawmakers from college towns along the rails praised Rauner for wanting to tackle the budget deficit but pointed o [...]

Great Lakes Airlines adds Denver connection

Great Lakes Airlines will resume its service from the Prescott Municipal Airport to Denver, via Farmington, New Mexico, effective Saturday, Aug. 1. Read more from The Daily Courier.  Pilots and flight attendants of Great Lakes Airlines are members of SMART TD Local 40 of Denver.

Is Northeast Corridor at breaking point?

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx, in the light of problems affecting tens of thousands of NJTransit and Amtrak riders between New Jersey and New York Penn Station of the last eight days, has called respective Govs. Chris Christie and Andrew Cuomo to meet with him [...]

Agreement signed for Hoosier State route to continue

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and local communities this weekend reached long-term agreements with Amtrak and Iowa Pacific Holdings to continue Hoosier State passenger-rail service between Indianapolis and Chicago. Service under the new agreements began yes [...]

Medicare’s program integrity initiatives

For many years, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) has funded programs to reduce claims payment errors (either paying too much, paying too little or payments being made when none should be).  Some of these programs are handled through systematic checks that look fo [...]