Transportation News

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Student with measles boarded Amtrak train in N.Y.

A New York college student with measles boarded an Amtrak station from Penn Station earlier this week and may have exposed other passengers to the contagious virus. The student at Bard College in Dutchess County took Amtrak train #283 from Penn Station to Albany, according to [...]

Are you as active as you should be?

Are you as active as you should be? In less than 15 minutes a day, you can do a few simple and effective strengthening exercises that may help you set some health and wellness goals. Below are some simple exercises that can be done just about anywhere, according to Yourtrackt [...]

Surface transportation bill a hot topic in Senate

The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) held its first hearing of the 114th Congress yesterday, as it prepared to draft a new surface transportation bill to replace the existing MAP-21 extension that expires May 31. In his testimony to the committee, U.S. T [...]

Senator calls for $1 trillion infrastructure investment

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Jan. 27 introduced legislation to rebuild America’s crumbling network of roads, bridges, transit systems and other infrastructure projects. The five-year plan would invest $1 trillion in the effort and create or maintain at least 13 million decent- [...]

Secretary of Labor’s Statement on Union Membership

WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez issued the following statement on the department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics report released today on union membership in 2014: “Today’s report confirms what we’ve always known: that belonging to a union makes a powerful d [...]

GC Beebe reaches 60-year membership milestone

To be described as a “classic” means that one is considered to be of the highest quality with lasting value; an authoritative standard; fashionable, with simplicity and restraint in style; one of a kind. Like the classic ‘57 Chevy or the fashionable Elvis Presley, SMART Gener [...]

Winter is here, so let’s be safe out there

By Alvy Hughes, Alternate Vice President –  Although winter hasn’t arrived yet, many states have already seen winter conditions and record snowfall. It’s that time of the year that U.S. roads and highways can be hazardous for transportation. According to the Federal Highway A [...]

TD officer, vice general chairperson elevated

A SMART Transportation Division officer and a general chairperson have been elevated to new Transportation Division positions following the retirement of Alternate Vice President R.W. “Red” Dare Nov. 30. The Transportation Division Board of Directors Dec. 19 elevated Executiv [...]

Q&As regarding Railroad Retirement spouse benefits

In addition to the retirement annuities payable to employees, the Railroad Retirement Act, like the Social Security Act, also provides annuities for the spouses of retired employees. Payment of a spouse annuity is made directly to the wife or husband of the employee. Divorced [...]

A new year can mean a new you with Medicare

The start of a new year is the time for resolutions. Railroad retirees covered under Medicare can receive the help they need in making some of their resolutions a reality. According to, the top three New Year’s resolutions are: Lose Weight Volunteer Quit Smoking [...]