Transportation News

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Colo. SLD Smith: ‘147 furloughed since July’

In an interview with Colorado State Legislative Director Carl Smith, The Daily Sentinel reported that Union Pacific has furloughed more workers in the past week, this time from UP’s roundhouse where locomotives are serviced located in Grand Junction. Smith said at least [...]

Amtrak's Boardman: 'Hudson tunnel top priority' reports that Amtrak President Joseph Boardman testified before the Senate Commerce Committee’s Surface Transportation Subcommittee about the importance of the new rail tunnels under the Hudson River. In his testimony, Boardman said the tunnels are Amtrak’s [...]

Foxx to transit officials: use FAST Act funds for job creation

According to Mass Transit Magazine, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx asked transportation stakeholders to make the most of the $305 billion allocated to the FAST Act in a letter dated Feb. 19. Foxx encouraged the stakeholders to use the money to create [...]

Foxx to transit officials: Use FAST Act funds for job creation

According to Mass Transit Magazine, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx asked transportation stakeholders to make the most of the $305 billion allocated to the FAST Act in a letter dated Feb. 19. Foxx encouraged the stakeholders to use the money to create [...]

Rail officials lobby Feds to restore Gulf Coast passenger service reported that last week, Southern Rail Commissioner, Knox Ross, who is also mayor of Pelahatchie, Miss., accompanied FRA administrator Sarah Feinberg and other federal officials on an Amtrak passenger train ride from New Orleans to Jacksonville, FL, to underscore the w [...]

Furloughed members: FAQs about medical benefits

Members who have been furloughed should be aware that their health care coverage benefits from their employer extend through the end of the fourth month after being furloughed. Below are Frequently Asked Questions that may be useful to furloughed members. Q: How long does my [...]


FEB 22, 2016 NEWS AND MEDIA, PRESS RELEASES SAN DIEGO, CA — Transportation unions took aim at critical transportation appropriations battles pending in Washington and continued preparations to show their members and the public the stark choices voters will face in the preside [...]

RRB announces 2016 conference schedule

The Railroad Retirement Board has announced the locations and dates of their informational conferences for Spring 2016. All conference registrations begin at 8:00 a.m., with the programs beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 12:15 p.m. These informational conferences are benef [...]

Biden: Union Depot reflects path to recovery

Yesterday, Vice President Joe Biden visited Union Depot in St. Paul, Minn., and cited the renewed transit hub as an example of how federal investment in rail infrastructure has sparked growth since the economic collapse of 2009. Read the entire article from the Star Tribune, here.

As strike looms, General Chairperson optimistic for deal

In an article published by the Asbury Park Press, SMART TD General Chairperson (GCA 610) Steve Burkert said that he is still hopeful that a deal will be struck between New Jersey Transit (NJT) and the Rail Labor Coalition. NJT and the Rail Labor Coalition have already had two [...]