Transportation News

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Safety Alert: shotgun shell found in locking pin

Canadian Pacific Railway recently reported that a shotgun shell was found in the locking pin of the coupler on the Quebec Gatineau Railway (QGRY) in Quebec. “This type of mischief has potentially fatal consequences and serves as a reminder that employees must always be [...]

Rail HAZMAT Training announced for 2016

RW Chemical Emergence Response Training The Rail Workers Hazardous Materials Training Program has scheduled new training programs for HAZMAT/Chemical Emergency Response for 2016. Three classes for RW Chemical Emergence Response are being offered in early 2016 in Houston. The [...]

FMCSA requires electronic logging devices

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced the adoption of a final rule that will improve roadway safety by employing technology to strengthen commercial truck and bus drivers’ compliance with hours-of-se [...]

Answers sought in Boston Red Line train incident

NECN reported that MassODOT investigators are looking at possible causes of a Boston Red Line train that departed the station and ran for nine minutes without an operator, yet with passengers on board. The incident occurred early morning on Thursday, December 10. The operator [...]

Longevity of Railroad Retirement beneficiaries

Every three years, the Railroad Retirement Board’s Chief Actuary conducts a study of the longevity of its annuitants, as part of a valuation of future revenues and benefit payments. The following questions and answers summarize the results of the most recent longevity study. [...]

Reform rail/bus equipment purchases, boost jobs

$5.4 billion — that’s how much public transit agencies collectively spend on buses and trains each year. U.S. public transportation authorities are using taxpayers’ dollars to employ Americans. Well, sort of — there’s a lot of room for improvement. Thanks to weak laws and pro [...]

Congress approves new cross-Hudson rail tunnel

Politico New York reported that a Congressional transportation bill that includes provisions to build a new cross-Hudson rail tunnel gained velocity with approval from both the U.S Senate and the House. Read the entire article from Politico New York Dec. 4.

Iowans surveyed support expansion of passenger rail

A new survey reaffirms support for expanding passenger rail service in Iowa. More than half the participants — 56 percent — in a survey conducted by the SMART Transportation Division said passenger rail service in Iowa should increase. Another 77 percent said Amtrak should ad [...]