Transportation News

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VSTD benefits increase for bus and rail members

The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the following changes to the Voluntary Short Term Disability (VSTD) plans for bus and rail members, effective January 1, 2017:   VSTD changes for bus members For Bus Members, the maximum weekly VSTD benefit will increase from [...]

Know the facts before you vote

By John Previsich, President, SMART Transportation Division It is said that two things to never discuss at a family gathering are religion and politics and for the most part that is very good advice. But I’m going to break that rule here–I view my brothers and sisters in the [...]

NLRB: Trump violating federal labor laws

The National Labor Relation Board just ruled that Trump’s refusal to bargain with the 500+ unionized employees at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas is in violation of federal labor laws.  Read the complete article here.            

Mo. survey shows passenger rail, rail safety are a priority for voters

The SMART Transportation Division Missouri State Legislative Board released the results of a survey showing that 76 percent of Missouri residents support continual funding of Amtrak. The survey also shows that Missourians support two-person crews. The survey was conducted by [...]

Canadian safety board addresses train crew fatigue

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB), put train crew fatigue on its 2016 watch list. The list identifies key safety issues in Canadian transportation. TSB Chairperson Kathy Fox told Reuters that the board would push for concrete action, including the creation of pr [...]

Back to basics

By John Lesniewski, Vice President, SMART Transportation Division In the July/August edition of the SMART Transportation Division News, both SMART General President Joseph Sellers and SMART Transportation Division President John Previsich wrote extensively about the importanc [...]

FRA investigates conductor death in Miss.

Christopher Ross Hubbard, age 36,  died on Sunday morning, October 30, during an accident that occurred as he and the engineer were performing a routine track switch near the town of Artesia, Miss.  Hubbard, from Cottondale, Ala.,  was a conductor on the Alabama Southern trai [...]

Six dead in Baltimore bus transit crash

According to an report, a school bus – with no children on board – crashed into a Maryland Transit Association bus carrying dozens of commuters. Six people were killed and several were injured.  Click here to read the complete article. Photo: Patrick Seman [...]

Class I’s release 3rd Quarter 2016 earnings

Net Earnings: $455 million or $0.48 per share; down from $507 million or $0.52 per share Revenue: Declined 8 percent Operating Income: Declined 10 percent to $841 million Operating Ratio: Increased 70 basis points to 69.0 percent Click here to read CSX’s full earnings r [...]