Transportation News

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OSHA’s safety tips for working in the heat

HEAT ILLNESS CAN BE DEADLY The body normally cools itself by sweating. During hot weather, especially with high humidity, sweating isn’t enough. Body temperature can rise to dangerous levels if you don’t drink enough water and rest in the shade. You can suffer fro [...]

2016 2nd quarter financial results for Class I railroads

Net Earnings: $445 million or $0.47 per share; down from $533 million or $0.56 per share Revenue: Down 12 percent Operating Income: Down 17 percent to $840 million Operating Ratio: Increased 210 basis points to 68.9 percent Click here to read CSX’s full earnings report. [...]

TTD: Trump & Pence, formula for jobs disaster

“Donald Trump says he’ll make America great by being tough on trade, building things and creating jobs. Sure, it sounds good, but Trump is forgetting one thing: actions really do speak louder than words. Not only has Trump failed to share any semblance of a plan for how [...]

FRA approves plans for passenger rail in New England

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) announced a Finding of No Significant Impact on the Northern New England Intercity Rail Initiative (Initiative). This will enable states in the New England region, in partnership with the federal government, to develop plans for and i [...]

Unemployment and sickness benefits for railroad employees

The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) administers the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, which provides two kinds of benefits for qualified railroaders: unemployment benefits for those who become unemployed but are ready, willing and able to work; and sickness benefits for th [...]

2-person crew rule: Risch testifies before FRA

On Friday, July 15, John Risch, National Legislative Director with SMART TD, testified before the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) in Washington, DC, in strong support of a minimum two-person crew mandate for freight and passenger trains. It may take months for the FRA b [...]

Unions In WI and WV Challenge RTW

Eleven unions filed petitions in a local W.Va. court arguing that the state’s new “Right-to-work” law amounts to an illegal seizure of their property and resources. The bill was vetoed by Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, however, his veto was overrode by a Republican majority in th [...]

TD Local 60 plans motorcycle ride for charity

SMART Transportation Division Local 60 at Newark, N.J., has scheduled a motorcycle bike run for Saturday, July 16. Proceeds from the bike run will go to support the charity, Railmen for Children. The ride is open to anyone who wishes to participate. The cost is $20 per rider, [...] preparing for move to

The official website of SMART Transportation Division,, is moving to In preparation for this move, both and will not be updated after close of business July 8 until further notice. During this period, important ne [...]

Member, former members, died in June 28 BNSF crash

Conductor Kenneth Paul “K.P.” Smith Jr., 59, of Local 1313 at Amarillo, Texas, died last week (June 28) when two BNSF trains crashed just outside of Amarillo. Two others, Cody Owens, 52, and Lara Gayle Taylor, 45, also died in the crash. Owens and Taylor were form [...]