Transportation News

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Working people’s day of action to be held Feb. 24   What is the Working People’s Day of Action? In 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his life in Memphis, Tenn., to help African-American sanitation workers come together to win freedom and dignity on the job. [...]

Online fundraiser begun for crew hurt in N.Y. derailment

An online fundraising effort has been started for a SMART TD conductor and an engineer who were severely injured Feb. 15 when their train derailed in Attica, N.Y. Conductor Ben Garland of Local 1566 out of Buffalo, N.Y., and engineer Dave Tobey were hospitalized after their N [...]

NTSB issues urgent safety recommendations

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued three urgent safety recommendations to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), acting upon the agency’s findings in two ongoing railroad accident investigations. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) received one u [...]

Three GCAs ratify contract with Amtrak

Amtrak employees represented by SMART Transportation Division General Committees of Adjustment GO-769, GO-663, and GO-342 (Conductors, Assistant Conductors, and Yardmasters) voted in overwhelming favor of ratifying a tentative agreement reached last month. The agreement, effe [...]

Batory confirmed as FRA administrator

After months of having his nomination on hold in the U.S. Senate, Ronald L. Batory was confirmed Tuesday evening as administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration by unanimous voice vote. Batory’s ascension to the position came after U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Senate [...]

Two-person crew bill adds cosponsors

The Safe Freight Act, the two-person crew bill introduced Jan. 30 by U.S. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, has doubled its number of cosponsors in two weeks. On Feb. 12, U.S. Sens. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire and Tina Smith of Minnesota joined in supporting the bill, [...]

RRB releases spring meeting, seminar schedule

The United State Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has issued its spring schedule of informational conferences and pre-retirement seminars for union officers and for rail workers respectively. Registration for both of these types of programs is required and available at the RRB [...]

Medicare introduces new claim review process

Medicare is always working to fight fraud and abuse. With that, a new type of claim review has recently begun: a process called Targeted Probe and Educate, or ‘TPE’ for short. How TPE works: Palmetto GBA/Railroad Medicare will conduct data analysis and find providers whose bi [...]

Bipartisan Budget Act provides transport, rail benefits

The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 passed early this morning by both houses of Congress and signed by President Donald Trump provides some benefits to transportation workers and the industry. “Discretionary spending for domestic infrastructure will see a $20 billion incr [...]

Funeral services announced for Michael Cella

Services have been announced for Brother Michael Cella, the SMART Transportation Division conductor, who was killed in the Amtrak Train 91 collision Feb. 4 in Cayce, S.C. A gathering of Cella’s friends and family will be 10 a.m. to noon immediately followed by a celebra [...]