Transportation News

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FRA hosting seminar on drug testing/rail safety

On Aug. 30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Federal Railroad Administration will host a seminar on drug testing policy and rail safety in Kansas City, Mo. The seminar dives into 2017 drug testing amendments and a pair of amendments to safety rules created in November 2014 and Dece [...]

Local Chairperson Todd Larson dies

LCA Illinois Central Local Chairperson Todd W. Larson, 49, lost his battle with cancer on July 12. A member of Local 1299 in Chicago since March 2008, Larson held various positions with the local including local legislative representative and local alternate legislative repre [...]

TD-friendly legislators honored in Washington

SEATTLE — SMART Transportation Division’s Washington State Legislative Board, represented by Legislative Director Herb Krohn, gave awards to a number of state legislators supportive of the union’s safety efforts at July’s regional meeting. Receiving Golden Spike Awards [...]

FAA refuses to regulate seat size and legroom on planes

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was ordered by a judge in 2017 to address the issue of airlines shrinking the sizes of seats and legroom in order to add more seating on planes. The FAA has responded by ruling that seat shrinkage does not affect passenger safety and [...]

President Previsich announces date, site for 2019 TD Regional Meeting

SEATTLE — SMART Transportation Division President John Previsich announced July 4, on the final day of the TD Regional Meeting in Seattle, the location of the 2019 regional meeting. The Hilton San Diego Bayfront in San Diego, host to the 2014 SMART TD convention, will h [...]

SMART TD Regional, Day 3: President Previsich answers member questions

SEATTLE — SMART Transportation Division President John Previsich answered questions from members about the Janus decision, upcoming 2019 national rail labor contract negotiations and discussed new technological initiatives. The Janus decision affects a handful of proper [...]