Transportation News

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BNSF posts 2nd quarter financial results

BNSF released their second-quarter earnings of 2018. The railroad saw increases across the board. Net Earnings: Increased by 37 percent to $1.3 billion from $958 million Revenue: Increased 12 percent from $5.25 billion to $5.87 billion Operating Income: Increased 6 percent to [...]

Missouri voters overwhelmingly reject Right to Work

Missouri voters voted decisively on Tuesday, August 7 when they overwhelmingly rejected a right-to-work (for less) law that would have divided work forces and limited the freedom to negotiate in private-sector workplaces. Unions gathered enough signatures to send the question [...]

SOFA releases injury tally for May

A monthly report from the Switching Operations Fatality Analysis (SOFA) Working Group reported six severe injuries to railroad workers during May 2018, including one amputation. SOFA Working Group defines a severe injury as FRA-reportable injuries to train and engine service [...]

Senate approves amendment to maintain Southwest Chief

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Jerry Moran’s (R – Kan.) and Tom Udall’s (D – N.M.) amendment to maintain Amtrak train services along the established, long-distance passenger rail route of the Southwest Chief, #3665, was included in the 2018 Transportation, Housing and [...]

Railroads release 2nd quarter earnings reports

Net Earnings: Increased 27 percent to C$1,310 million; diluted earnings per share increased 30 percent to C$1.77 Revenue: Increased 9 percent to C$3,631 million Operating Income: Increased 7 percent to C$1,519 million Operating Ratio: Increased 0.7 points to 58.2 percent (wor [...]