Transportation News

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Carriers release 2019 first-quarter earnings reports

Net Earnings: Increased 9.4% to $1.25 billion Revenue: Increased 2.5% to $5.57 billion Operating Income: Increased 2.3% to $1.78 billion Operating Expenses:Increased 2.5% to $3.79 billion Operating Ratio: Improved by 2 points to 66.5% Click here to read BNSF’s full earn [...]

Police get suspect in assault on Montebello bus rider

Update: Police now have a suspect in custody after members of the community identified the man in the video. “On May 3rd, 2019, Montebello Detectives received information from several citizens who recognized the suspect from the video. Detectives were able to contact wi [...]

Annual workers’ summit scheduled in Nebraska

A workers summit for union members from all over Nebraska is scheduled to take place on Monday, May 6 in North Platte, Nebraska. Jim “Doc” Moore, a retired associate professor of labor history at Cornell University’s School for Industrial and Labor Relations, will moderate th [...]

STB’s rail energy committee to hold meeting May 15

A notice of a meeting of the Surface Transportation Board’s (STB) Rail Energy Transportation Advisory Committee (RETAC) appeared in the Federal Register April 30. The meeting, which is open to the public, is scheduled for 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 15, at STB headquarters, 395 E. [...]

FMCSA releases information about drug-test database

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has launched a web page that provides information about the Commercial Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, a database to be launched in early January 2020. The database’s purpose is to track and identi [...]

RRB Q&A: Medicare for Railroad Retirement annuitants

The federal Medicare program provides hospital and medical insurance protection for Railroad Retirement annuitants and their families, just as it does for Social Security beneficiaries. Medicare has the following parts: Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) helps pay for inpat [...]

Time for Minnesota members to take action after 2PC passes state House

SMART Transportation Division Minnesota State Legislative Director Phillip Qualy reports that two-person crew legislation has passed in his state’s House of Representatives as part of H.F. 1555, an omnibus transportation bill, and that a push by members and retirees ali [...]

Fundraiser established for Local 1929 member and family

Sad news was reported out of Local 1929 (East St. Louis, Ill.) with the passing of Layla Lynn Thomas, the 2-year-old daughter of member Craig Thomas, after a sudden illness. Layla was rushed to the emergency room March 18 and diagnosed with Influenza A. Her condition develope [...]

Registration is open for SMART TD’s 2019 regional meeting in San Diego

Registration is open for the 2019 SMART Transportation Division regional meeting to take place July 1 to 3 in San Diego, Calif., at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel. Members can expect a full slate of informative workshops and many chances to build camaraderie with your fellow union [...]