You see headlines celebrating new laws, and receive our union’s messages asking for letters to our elected officials, but how does your advocacy lead to new laws? Here’s how the pieces fit together.


After the Feb 3rd, 2023, derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, the Rail Safety Act was introduced in Congress. The act will regulate safety issues like train lengths, blocked crossings, and protect the FRA’s minimum crew size rule.

But federal laws often follow states’ examples. To protect everyone, we begin in each state, each with its own challenges and opportunities.

Here’s how it worked in Colorado.

It took a well-coordinated effort by SMART-TD and many other groups in order to get the Colorado rail safety bill across the finish line.


Colorado’s State Legislative Director Carl Smith has lobbied for SMART-TD in the statehouse for years. The first step for Smith and the state legislative board was to draft a new bill. As part of SMART’s national network, he could put a Colorado twist on similar legislation from other states.

Even with the attention brought by East Palestine, Smith knew getting his bill passed would be a challenge. The 2023 legislature was mid-session, with little time left for debate and amendments. He met with the leaders of both the House and Senate to make his case, convincing Senate Majority Leader Dominick Moreno to sponsor the bill.

With Moreno’s support, Smith began refining the bill with industry and other key stakeholders. Creating a law that worked for everyone complicated things. As the clock started to run out on the 2023 session, Moreno recommended that Smith refine it over the summer, then reintroduce the bill.


With more time to organize, SLD Smith was able to recruit others to his cause. As a member of the AFL-CIO Colorado Executive Board, Smith negotiated their support. Smith also connected with an old friend, the director of the Blue/Green Alliance, who signed on as an ally. Both organizations would provide invaluable lobbying muscle and research support.


Over the summer, Smith developed the bill with advice from the Joint Transportation Legislation Review Committee. He learned that bills championed by this group are considered an easy win in the legislature, as members of both houses in the committee essentially preapprove the bills chosen to adopt.

Good news: By the end of summer, the committee had agreed to take up Smith’s rail safety bill.

Bad news: BNSF lobbyists, working behind the scenes, had manipulated the advice given to Smith. Instead of a sure thing, our bill would compete with a dozen other initiatives — things like free bus passes for schoolchildren or funding for repairs for neglected rural highways. The committee would only adopt five bills and BNSF was sure ours wouldn’t make the cut.


BNSF underestimated our influence. Smith’s coalition continued lobbying the committee to select our bill, but it needed an extra push. The leader of the group, Rep. Ty Winter (R), represents the district with the largest number of active and retired SMART-TD members in the state. SLD Smith called for support, and our members rose to the occasion. As calls and letters rolled in, Winters realized his voters were paying attention and wanted the new law. He came around.


President Biden and Colorado Gov. Jared Polis were planning an unrelated speech in Pueblo, Colorado, just as the main road into the town was closed to clean up a BNSF derailment. The accident, with fatal results on the interstate below, reminded all that railroads deserve closer scrutiny.

The derailment happened Oct. 15, 2023. By the 23rd our bill, now known as House Bill 24-1030, had been selected for the 2024 legislative session.


With the AFL-CIO and the Blue/Green Alliance aboard, Smith began to assemble a larger coalition.

Friends from the Coalition of Professional Firefighters, American Federation of Teachers, Colorado Education Association and SMART Sheet Metal Local 9 joined. Smith also made a case to his contacts in Colorado’s powerful community of environmental groups. Conservation Colorado, the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Trout Unlimited and Green Latinos all agreed to back the cause.

While many of these organizations resist efforts to expand oil and coal production or to lay track through Colorado’s pristine wilderness, they are powerful allies in the fight for safer rail operations. They supported SMART-TD’s bill, then spread the word as momentum grew.


H.B. 24-1030 was among the first bills accepted in the 2024 session, and one of the last to make it to Gov. Polis. Along the way Smith helped the bill through multiple hearings, revisions, and delays.

Hostile lobbying from Union Pacific softened the bill, who threatened to sue the state if the bill passed. They claimed that federal rules regarding train length, blocked crossings, trackside detectors and union access to private property conflicted with the bill. Whether UP would win the lawsuit or not, an active lawsuit with the state would take years to resolve. This would prevent the state from negotiating much-needed regional passenger rail with UP, which is a top priority for the Governor’s office.

“While the bill we passed isn’t exactly the bill we started with, the future office of rail safety will be an additional tool to provide a safe workplace for SMART-TD members and a safer community for Colorado citizens. The office will collect valuable data on long trains, trackside detectors, blocked crossings and rail accidents, which we can then use for stronger rail safety legislation in the future.” Smith said.

HB24-1030 was signed into law by Colorado Gov. Jared Polis in a signing ceremony on May 10, 2024. SMART-TD’s battle continues.


Colorado is one step closer to responsibly managed freight rail, and the nation is one step closer to the Railway Safety Act. Incremental wins like these, sometimes years in the making, would not be possible without SMART-TD and our members. Our state legislative directors have the tenacity and the connections to get the job done, as Colorado’s win shows.

Each new law results from a similar fight for our members. Our legislators step up wherever railroads choose to put profits above safety, and operating efficiency above respect for the communities where they operate.

Surface Transportation Board Chairman Martin Oberman has seen some rail carriers cut jobs and neglect their infrastructure in pursuit of short-term profit, and he says there’s nothing to like about it.

Oberman spoke last week before the Southeast Association of Rail Shippers’ conference, and the “cult of the operating ratio” (OR) could be rising again with BNSF and Union Pacific cutting workers and a hedge fund looking to seize Norfolk Southern.

“These low OR — which could only be achieved rapidly — as the activists demanded — by cutting payroll — have meant lots of free cash which the Class Is have not been shy about paying out in stock buybacks, dividends, and in BNSF’s case, returns to its owner,” Oberman said. “The total in the last decade or so is over $250 billion — money which was not invested in retaining workers or building new infrastructure to increase a railroad’s reach and serve more customers.”

Billionaire Warren Buffett said as much in his recent letter to shareholders, expressing disappointment in BNSF’s latest returns. Union Pacific ousted a CEO in 2023 and the new one is doubling down on squeezing workers in the name of shareholder return.

SMART-TD members and rail workers have been coping with the consequences through job cuts, irresponsibly long trains and inhumane work schedules. For our members, “PSR” stands for “punishing and sadistic railroading.”

Starting in about 2014, more than 45,000 rail workers lost their jobs because of the quest for increased efficiency.

“Railroads are a regulated monopoly. They have a common carrier obligation to the public interest and to the nation’s economy,” Oberman said. “Unlike other businesses, railroad management and owners are not just free to manipulate the business by draining the company’s resources for short-term gain.”

Too often, the pro-free market crowd, overseeing spreadsheets from the comfort of their railroad offices, think that “free market” means “we can run our business however we want and do to workers and the communities we affect whatever we want. We’re here to make money, and they should be happy about it. They’re lucky we’re here.”

That mentality’s brought longer trains, fewer inspections and less emphasis on safety, as much as industry executives and mouthpieces like the Association of American Railroads and Railway Age claim the railroads are working in everyone’s best interests. PSR is only good for everyone who owns stock.

The industry’s shareholders cruised through the initial wave of PSR with fatter wallets and bigger dividends, Oberman noted in his speech. Contrast that with the thousands of workers who were sent home for the last time as service to their former customers suffered.

Investor neglect drew attention of federal regulators, including Oberman’s STB, after a post-COVID national supply chain meltdown. The STB held hearings on carrier performance in 2022 and has kept a close eye on carrier personnel levels since.

Recent events indicate carrier leadership is being guided back to its shortsighted ways. Investors demand quick profits at the exclusion of all else. Hundreds of jobs have been cut from BNSF and Union Pacific over the past weeks and months.

So when leaders such as Oberman and Federal Railroad Administrator Amit Bose decide to oversee the industry through a more skeptical lens, along with the workers and the members of the media, those folks in the comfortable offices get less comfortable.

Oberman also expressed his doubts about activist investor group Ancora’s plan to replace Norfolk Southern’s leadership with a who’s who of exploitative executives.

“Several weeks ago, Ancora wrote me a letter. The essence of their message was that they had taken a $1 billion dollar stake in NS in order for it — quote — ‘to become a safer railroad,’ ” Oberman said. “Really? What hedge fund raises $1 billion to promote safety anywhere? The measure of Ancora’s disingenuous pitch to improve safety is that its slide deck completely omits reference to FRA data which shows that, in the last year, NS has been an industry leader in reducing mainline rail accidents and derailments.”

SMART-TD members —  the people who do the work — have lived through PSR. Oberman has gone through PSR, as has Bose. It was a failure for workers, shippers and catastrophic for the national supply chain. It’s not wanted by anyone or good for anyone except for those who would reap the most by doing the least.

The watchdogs of the industry — Oberman, Bose and SMART-TD — all recognize this. We do not want to go through it again.

UP and BNSF executives — you’ll need to get to work, because PSR doesn’t.

Read Oberman’s speech

WASHINGTON, DC – The shop craft unions at Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway are urgently calling upon the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to initiate unannounced focus inspections on all locomotives and rail cars owned and leased by BNSF Railway, and immediately issue non-compliance orders requiring BNSF to fix all found defects before being permitted to use such equipment, citing concerns over numerous defects that are allegedly being ignored and neglected by BNSF management.

The letter comes on the heels of BNSF’s recent announcement of over 362 furloughs in the shop craft unions, further exacerbating concerns over safety and maintenance practices. The defects and recent extreme cuts to the workforce pose serious safety risks to railroad operations and personnel.

Many furloughed employees may be forced to accept positions with lower pay and fewer benefits, potentially disrupting their lives and livelihoods.

In a letter addressed to FRA Administrator Amit Bose, the shop craft unions at BNSF highlighted their ongoing efforts to address safety and maintenance issues within the railroad industry. The letter referenced a meeting held on December 19, 2023, during which the shop craft unions presented evidence of significant workforce reductions within the mechanical departments of Class I freight railroads, including a staggering 41% decrease in employees since 2015.

Reports received by the shop craft unions indicate that BNSF managers that have been under pressure to perform work without an adequate number of workers, may have instructed workers to release locomotives and rail cars for service that have not been adequately inspected or repaired, effectively disregarding federally mandated safety inspections and fabricate of inspection reports, purportedly as part of cost-cutting measures aimed at maximizing shareholder profits.

“BNSF’s actions represent a reckless disregard for the safety and integrity of our nation’s railways,” said the shop craft unions. “BNSF has recently admitted in public filings that they would not be in compliance with federally mandated safety inspections, and we continue to be informed that BNSF has numerous FRA defects on their locomotives and rail cars. There is no shortage of profits for BNSF, and there is no shortage of work to be performed on BNSF equipment. There is simply an obscene shortage of workers and disregard for people at BNSF. By prioritizing cost-cutting over safety, BNSF is placing its employees and the public at risk. In light of these developments, we have urged the FRA to take immediate action to ensure the safety of BNSF operations. Random audits and focus inspections are essential to holding BNSF accountable and preventing further compromises to safety.”

The shop craft unions at BNSF are calling upon the FRA to prioritize the safety of railroad workers and the integrity of railroad operations by promptly conducting inspections of BNSF locomotives and rail cars located at or in transit to all BNSF Locomotive Maintenance Inspection Terminals (LMITs).


The Shop Craft Unions are, in alphabetical order: The Brotherhood of Railroad Carmen Division, TCU/IAM (BRC), the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) , the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB), the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), the National Conference of Fireman and Oilers, Local 32BJ/SEIU (NCFO), the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers Mechanical Department (SMART MD), the Transportation Communications Union (TCU) and the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU).

In November, SMART-TD members voted — with approximately two-thirds in favor — to ratify a tentative agreement the Transportation Division reached with BNSF in September.

“This agreement our general committees have reached with BNSF continues to show the strength of our union’s leadership. Together we have made unprecedented inroads on attendance and quality-of-life issues — an area carriers had no interest to collectively bargain,” said SMART-TD President Jeremy Ferguson. “We have cleared the way for our members on BNSF to expect predictability in their work rest schedules, while at the same time securing proper compensation on a variety of issues that were not agreed to in past rounds of national negotiations. It was long overdue that these issues be addressed. I’m very proud of everyone’s efforts to get this accomplished.”

Negotiations with BNSF under Articles VI and VII of the National Rail Agreement began in January following wide national attention on rail labor’s fight to improve rail workers’ quality of life. The tentative agreement with BNSF was reached by the eight affected SMART-TD general committees months later; votes were cast through the month of October and tabulated on November 2.

The general chairpersons involved include GO 001’s Mike LaPresta, GO 009’s Scott Swiatek, GO 017’s Rich O’Connell, GO 020’s Justin Schrock, GO 386’s Larry Miller, GO 393’s Kevin Kime, GO 577’s Roy Davis and Tony McAdams from GO JTD. 

Under the next phase of this process, SMART-TD and BNSF will begin implementing the agreed-upon changes. Members who are eligible for additional vacation will have the opportunity to schedule that vacation in 2024. Implementation of other provisions of the agreement will take place over the coming weeks and months.

“We would like to thank our members for their patience throughout the negotiation process, and for casting their votes,” the eight general chairpersons of the involved committees said in a joint statement. “The overwhelming approval ratings prove that our members see the value in this agreement. We were determined to obtain meaningful improvements to our working conditions, and this agreement does exactly that. While our fight is never over, we are confident that this will serve as a substantial step in the right direction.”

The general chairpersons also expressed appreciation to Vice President Joe Lopez, who helped lead negotiations, along with Vice Presidents Chad Adams and Jamie Modesitt.

“Our general chairpersons showed exemplary leadership and cohesion through the up-and-down nature of these discussions,” the three vice presidents said. “We congratulate them on their accomplishments and commend them on their focus on what matters — improving the quality of life and working conditions of our members.”

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INDEPENDENCE, Ohio (Nov. 3, 2023) — SMART Transportation Division (SMART-TD) members working under the proposed agreement voted, with approximately two-thirds in favor, to ratify a tentative agreement the union had reached with BNSF in late September, union leadership announced today.

Negotiations with BNSF under Articles VI and VII of the National Rail Agreement began in January following wide national attention brought by the fight of rail labor led by SMART-TD, the nation’s largest freight railroad union, to improve rail workers’ quality of life. The tentative agreement with BNSF was reached by the eight affected SMART-TD General Committees in late September. Votes were cast through the month of October and tabulated Nov. 2, 2023.

The general chairpersons involved include GO 001’s Mike LaPresta, GO 009’s Scott Swiatek, GO 017’s Rich O’Connell, GO 020’s Justin Schrock, GO 386’s Larry Miller, GO 393’s Kevin Kime, GO 577’s Roy Davis, and Tony McAdams from GO JTD. 

Additional information and details regarding the agreement can be found at this link.

Under the next phase of this process, SMART-TD and BNSF will begin implementing the agreed-upon changes. Members who are eligible for additional vacation will have the opportunity to schedule that vacation in 2024. Implementation of other provisions of the agreement will take place over the coming weeks and months.

In a joint statement, the eight general chairpersons of the involved committees had this to say about the tentative agreement: 

“We would like to thank our members for their patience throughout the negotiation process, and for casting their votes. The overwhelming approval ratings prove that our members see the value in this agreement. We were determined to obtain meaningful improvements to our working conditions, and this agreement does exactly that. While our fight is never over, we are confident that this will serve as a substantial step in the right direction.”

TD General Chairpersons representing BNSF members

The general chairpersons also expressed appreciation to Vice President Joe Lopez, who helped lead negotiations, along with Vice Presidents Chad Adams and Jamie Modesitt. The VPs made the following joint comment:

“Our general chairpersons showed exemplary leadership and cohesion through the up-and-down nature of these discussions,” the vice presidents said. “We congratulate them on their accomplishments and commend them on their focus on what matters — improving the quality of life and working conditions of our members.”

“This agreement our General Committees have reached with BNSF continues to show the strength of our union’s leadership. Together we have made unprecedented inroads on attendance and quality of life issues — an area carriers had no interest to collectively bargain,” said SMART-TD President Jeremy Ferguson. “We have cleared the way for our members on BNSF to expect predictability in their work rest schedules, while at the same time securing proper compensation on a variety of issues that were not agreed to in past rounds of national negotiations. It was long overdue that these issues be addressed. I’m very proud of everyone’s efforts to get this accomplished.”

“Our rail members from BNSF properties definitely had their voices heard in this process and they should be proud to see their fingerprints throughout this outstanding TA. They were very clear that they wanted a level of predictability for when their time off would be honored, and they wanted a predictable and non-punitive method of filling vacancies that directed the assignment to those who wanted the work and was not aimed at punishing those who aren’t willing to work off of their turns.  This TA that our eight General Chairpersons fought for does both. Not only will our brothers and sisters get more compensated time off, but it will be less of a moving target. This is another big step ahead for SMART-TD and our BNSF members.” 

SMART-TD President Jeremy Ferguson 

SMART-TD is proud to announce that a tentative agreement has been reached between our General Committees and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF). This agreement has been in the works since January 18, 2023, and is highlighted by many upgrades to the quality of life for our members.  

All eight SMART-TD General Committees representing our BNSF properties have reached tentative agreements with the carrier and have already sent the details to their local chairpersons for distribution to their members for consideration.  

The general chairpersons involved included GO-001’s Mike LaPresta, GO-009’s Scott Swiatek, GO-017’s Rich O’Connell, GO-020’s Justin Schrock, GO-386’s Larry Miller, GO-393’s Kevin Kime, GO-577’s Roy Davis, and Tony McAdams from GO-JTD. 

The tentative agreements for each of the eight General Committees are founded on the same language while still giving each General Committee the flexibility to adapt the terms to fit the unique needs of their specific members. The following is a synopsis consistent for all eight of the committees. 

  • Extra boards: Allowed to keep road and yard separate under new conditions under Section V. 
  • 6th week of vacation for 25 year or more employees. 
  • Up to two weeks of vacation can be selected as float weeks. 
  • PRE-layoff for all single PLD/VAC, weekly VAC and EDO days. 
  • Continuous-held-away after 16 hours for everyone on every pool. 
  • Extra Paid Sick Leave Day. (5 total w/same option of converting 3 PLD/VAC to total 8) 
  • Earned Day Off: With no unpaid layoffs in a 90-day period, earn one anytime day unpaid to lay off. 
  • Turn swapping on pools that elect this option, 
  • Preventive care days now available to assigned jobs. 
  • Bereavement leave changes to expand the scope of what relationships qualify for bereavement as well as creating additional flexibility as to when bereavement can be used. 
  • Increased new-hire training from 13 weeks to 14 weeks with additional time allotted in terminals that have RCO operations. 
  • All Reduced Entry Rates or Tiers eliminated for all properties. Everyone will be at 100%. 
  • Student and trainer pay rate increases. 

Additional details tailored to the members of each General Committee will be included with membership ratification instructions, which are currently scheduled to be mailed to eligible voters on Tuesday, October 3rd. For those members who have email addresses and telephone numbers on file with SMART-TD, electronic notifications and voting instructions will also be sent. Tabulation of the ratification votes will occur on Thursday, November 2nd, and results will be announced soon after. 

In a joint statement from the eight general chairpersons of the involved committees, the GCs had this to say about the tentative agreement. 

“Our goals for this TA were to defend the separation of the road and yard extra boards and to bring predictable guaranteed time off for our members regardless of their assignment or board. We believe we achieved these goals and significantly more. This TA has come a very long way from where it started back in January. The eight of us and our committees fought hard to finally get it to a point where the TA is worthy of ratification. None of us thought it was possible initially, and up until very recently, we thought it was destined to go to arbitration. But we are excited about the agreement we are putting out to the members for ratification. We would also like to thank Joe Lopez, who was the SMART-TD vice president assigned to this project, along with Vice Presidents Chad Adams and Jamie Modesitt for their assistance over this long nine-month process. Joe Lopez, in particular, went out of his way to shepherd this TA through the many highs and lows in the process. We all appreciate their dedication to the process and to the quality of life this TA has the potential to bring to our members.”   

 — SMART-TD General Chairpersons representing BNSF crew bases 

In a combined statement from the three vice presidents who were involved in this negotiation, Lopez, Adams, and Modesitt were quick to give the 8 GCs the praise, saying, “The ability of this group of general chairpersons to stick together for the benefit of all is a true testament to brotherhood. Maintaining the same course for eight general chairpersons is no easy task, but this group successfully did it. Their effort and hard work were the difference between securing a tentative agreement and leaving the final outcome in the hands of a third-party arbitrator.  

“As a group, we are proud to send this TA to the members for a ratification vote. We know that we got every inch of quality-of-life improvements out of this agreement. It’s our belief that our BNSF members are going to have more time off with their loved ones. They won’t get called right before their day off, forcing them to continuously cancel and change their family’s plans, and when they have this time away from the rail, they’ll have a little more in their pockets on top of it. All the way around, this is a good development for our men and women, and we couldn’t be more excited for them.” 

GO OO1 Synopsis

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GO OO9 synopsis

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GO O20 synopsis

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GO 386 synopsis

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GO 393 synopsis

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GO 577 synopsis

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GO JTD synopsis

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The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers’ Transportation Division (SMART-TD) is standing with its fellow rail labor union, the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division (BMWED), in its lawsuit against BNSF Railway.

The lawsuit alleges that BNSF has violated the Railway Labor Act by reducing its Maintenance of Way workforce without proper notice and consultation with the unions.

“We are committed to fighting alongside our brothers and sisters at BMWED to protect the safety and security of our rail system,” said SMART-TD President Jeremy Ferguson. “BNSF’s reckless decision to cut jobs without regard for the consequences is a threat to the safety of everyone who relies on the railways. We will not stand by while BNSF puts lives at risk.”

Ferguson and BMWED President Tony Cardwell have a long history of working together to protect the interests of rail workers. Last year, they fought side by side in the national contract negotiations, and they continue to collaborate on a number of issues since then.

The lawsuit is currently pending in federal court. BMWED is seeking an injunction to prevent BNSF from further reducing its Maintenance of Way workforce, as well as damages for the harm that has already been caused.

By a 3-2 majority June 23, the Surface Transportation Board (STB) ruled in favor of Navajo Transitional Energy Co. (NTEC), ordering BNSF to fulfill its common-carrier obligation to serve the Powder River Basin energy producer and transport 4.2 million tons of coal.

NTEC filed a complaint April 14 seeking an emergency service order to move coal from a facility in Big Horn, Wyo., to a Canadian terminal.

As a result, BNSF must move 23 trains per month of NTEC’s coal beginning immediately, and an additional six trains per month when additional train sets and crew become available. Both parties will be providing weekly service updates, the STB said in a news release announcing the decision.

STB Chairman Martin Oberman

“The common carrier obligation is a core tenet of the Board’s regulation of the freight railroad industry and is a pillar of the railroads’ responsibility to our country’s economy,” STB Chairman Martin Oberman, who will be a guest at the SMART Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C., said in the release. “Today’s decision reflects the majority’s finding that the common carrier obligation requires a railroad to provide service on a customer’s request that is within the railroad’s capacity to provide.”  Further, Oberman noted, as the STB has previously held: “The common carrier duty reflects the well-established principle that railroads ‘are held to a higher standard of responsibility than most private enterprises.’”

Board members Patrick Fuchs and Michelle Schultz dissented with the ruling.

The STB decision is below.

Greg Hynes, SMART-TD national legislative director

It’s difficult to imagine trying to pass off reducing the braking power of a freight train as a safety precaution, but that is exactly what BNSF attempted to do recently in a request to the FRA for a variance to increase the allowable amount of flow from 90 CFM to 120 CFM.

In their request, BNSF states that in order to reduce the slip/trip/fall risk that goes along with conductors and carmen walking a consist looking for leaks in a brake line, that they think it’s safer to depart the train with up to 120 CFM of flow and assume it will be able to stop when it has to.

FRA put out a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) requesting public comments on BNSF’s request, and SMART-TD’s National Legislative Department was happy to oblige them. Below you can read SMART-TD’s response to FRA from Brother Greg Hynes, SMART-TD’s national legislative director.

2nd Quarter 2022

Net Earnings: Increased 10% to $1.7 billion from $1.5 billion  
Earnings Per Share: n/a – BNSF is not publicly traded  
Revenue: Increased 14% to $6.6 billion from $5.8 billion  
Operating Income: Increased 7% to $2.4 billion from $2.2 billion
Operating Expenses: Increased 19% to $4.3 billion from $3.6 billion 
Operating Ratio: Worsened 2.8% to 63.2% from 60.4% 

Follow the link for full financial results from BNSF.

2nd Quarter 2022   

Net Earnings: Increased 28% to C$1.33 billion from C$1.04 billion  
Diluted Earnings Per Share: Increased 32% to C$1.92 per share from C$1.46 per share 
Revenue: Increased 21% to a record C$4.34 billion from C$3.6 billion  
Operating Income: Increased 28% to a record C$1.8 billion from C$1.4 billion 
Operating Expenses: Increased 18% to C$2.6 billion from C$2.2 billion  
Operating Ratio: Improved 2.3 points to 59.3% from 61.6% 

Follow the link for full financial results from CN.

2nd Quarter 2022

Net Earnings: Decreased 39% to C$765 million from C$1.25 billion  
Diluted Earnings Per Share: Decreased 56% to $0.82 per share from $1.86 per share 
Revenue: Increased 7% to C$2.20 billion from C$2.05 billion  
Operating Income: Increased 6% to C$868 million from C$820 million  
Operating Expenses: Increased 8% to C$1.33 billion from C$1.23 billion  
Operating Ratio: Worsened by 50 basis points to 60.6% from 60.1%

Follow the link for full financial results from CP.

2nd Quarter 2022

Net Earnings: Increased to $1.18 billion from $1.17 billion  
Diluted Earnings Per Share: Increased 4% to $0.54 per share from $0.52 per share  
Revenue: Increased 28% to $3.82 billion from $3.00 billion  
Operating Income: Increased 1% to $1.70 billion from $1.69 billion  
Operating Expenses: Increased 63% to $2.11 billion from $1.30 billion  
Operating Ratio: Worsened to 55.4% from 43.4% 

Follow the link for full financial results from CSX.

2nd Quarter 2022

Net Earnings: Increased 142% to $194 million from -$459.6 million  
Earnings Per Share: n/a  
Revenue: Increased 13% to $846 million from $750 million  
Operating Income: Increased 172% to $313 million from -$432 million  
Operating Expenses: Decreased 55% to $533 million from $1.18 billion  
Operating Ratio: Improved 94.6 points to 63.0% from 157.6% 

Follow the link for full financial results from KCS.

2nd Quarter 2022

Net Earnings: Stayed flat at $819 million  
Diluted Earnings Per Share: Increased 5% to $3.45 per share from $3.28 per share  
Revenue: Increased to $3.3 billion from $2.8 billion  
Operating Income: Increased 9% to $1.09 billion from $1.04 billion  
Operating Expenses: Increased 21% to $2 billion from $1.6 billion  
Operating Ratio: Worsened to 60.9% from 58.3%

Follow the link for full financial results from NS.

2nd Quarter 2022

Net Earnings: Increased 2% to $1.84 billion from $1.79 billion  
Diluted Earnings Per Share: Increased to $2.93 per share from $2.72 per share  
Revenue: Increased 14% to $6.3 billion from $5.5 billion 
Operating Income: Increased 1% to $2.49 billion from $2.47 billion 
Operating Expenses: Increased 25% to $3.8 billion from $3.03 billion  
Operating Ratio: Worsened 5.1 points to 60.2% from 55.1% 

Follow the link for full financial results from UP.