State Resources and Benefits
The following are online links to U.S. states and some local municipal resources for workers that have been impacted by COVID-19. Within these links are resources for Unemployment Insurance as well as other support services.
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance Program
- Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Unemployment Benefits FAQS
- How to file an unemployment insurance claim
- Alabama Department of Labor Resource Page
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance Program
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) main resource page for State of Alaska Employees
- FAQs for claimants filing for unemployment benefits due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Unemployment Insurance Benefits
- FAQs About COVID-19 & Earned Paid Sick Time (rev. March 17, 2020)
- Updates on changes to Unemployment Insurance, additional benefits and services due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Press Release: Governor Hutchinson Expedites Unemployment Benefits For Those Impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- General Information about the Unemployment Insurance Program
- How to file an unemployment insurance claim
- Notice to individuals inquiring about the availability of Unemployment Insurance Benefits as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO resource page for workers and families impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- San Mateo Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO list of benefits & resources available to workers and families in their region impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Support services for workers and employers impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- FAQs on Unemployment Insurance, benefits and support services due to Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
- Benefits for Workers Impacted by COVID-19
- Contains information on how to apply for different benefits (Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave, Unemployment Insurance, Paid Sick Leave, Workers’ Compensation) depending on your circumstances.
- California Department of Public Health – Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Guidance Documents
- County of Santa Clara: Assistance & Guidance for Businesses and Workers Impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- San Francisco: Assistance & Guidance for Businesses and Workers Impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- Main information & resource page for Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Health Emergency Leave with Pay Rules and FAQs
- Colorado Unemployment Insurance for Workers FAQs
- Colorado Emergency Child Care Collaborative
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- Unemployment Insurance FAQs for employers and employees impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Tips for filing for unemployment benefits if you have become unemployed due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- How to file for an unemployment insurance claim
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- Press Announcement: The Delaware Department of Labor Expands Unemployment Benefits to Workers Affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
- Delaware Division of Unemployment Insurance FAQs Regarding the Potential Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- District of Columbia Department of Employment Services Operating Status
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance Program
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact Scenarios and Benefits Chart (outlines a COVID-19 scenario and the benefits you will receive)
- How to file an Unemployment Insurance claim
- Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the health insurance exchange
- New information for filing for unemployment, mandatory filing by employers for partial claims, and reemployment services
- How to file for unemployment insurance claim
- FAQs for claimants filing for unemployment benefits due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance Program
- Information on how to file an Unemployment Insurance claim online
- Benefits fact sheet for employees impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Unemployment Insurance Program
- Clamaint FAQs about Unemployment Insurance and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Apply for Unemployment Insurance claim
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Unemployment Benefits
- Top 10 Things You Should Know About Unemployment Insurance and link to file Unemployment Insurance claim online
- Illinois Department of Labor FAQs Regarding COVID-19
- Indiana Department of Workforce Development update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Unemployment Insurance Program
- MEDIA ADVISORY: Indiana Department of Workforce Development to host statewide unemployment insurance webinars for Hoosiers impacted by COVID-19
- Indiana Unemployment Insurance FAQs for Coronavirus (COVID-19) work related issues
- Governor’s Order – Helping Hoosiers During COVID-19
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program and the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Unemployment Insurance Benefits FAQs for employees impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Benefits for Workers Impacted by COVID-19
- How to file for Unemployment Insurance claim online
- ¿Necesita ayuda para presentar en línea? Vea este video
- Unemployment Insurance and Coronavirus (COVID-19): Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- COVID-19 Response Unemployment Insurance benefits and additional resources from the Kansas Department of Labor
- File for Unemployment Insurance claim online
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance Program
- To file an Unemployment Insurance claim
- Louisiana Response to employees impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Louisiana Workforce Commission Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information by Division
- Unemployment Insurance FAQs regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Information about Coronavirus (COVID-19), unemployment benefits, and leave laws
- Resources for workers and businesses regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Maine’s leave laws
- To file an Unemployment Insurance claim online
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- FAQs about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Maryland’s Unemployment Insurance and benefits
- Apply for Unemployment Insurance Benefits online
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- Information on Unemployment and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Apply for Unemployment Insurance Benefits online
- FAQs for employees unemployment claims impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Exempt Emergency Child Care
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) information – info for residents/communities, health care professionals, childcare and school administrators, employers and workers
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- General information about the Workers Compensation Program
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Unemployment Benefits
- FAQs on Unemployment Insurance due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Apply for Unemployment Benefits online
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program, includes information on filing for unemployment insurance
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs for Businesses and Workers
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources
- Apply for unemployment insurance claim online
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Guide for Montana Employers and Employees
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact Scenarios and Benefits Chart (outlines a COVID-19 scenario and the benefits you will receive)
- General information about Unemployment Insurance program
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources and information
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Employee FAQs
- General information about Unemployment Insurance program
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- File an Unemployment Insurance claim online
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) mandatory notice – new policy re: visiting New Hampshire offices
- News Release: Governor Sununu Issues Three Emergency Orders To Provide Relief (re: utilities, housing, unemployment benefits)
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- New Jersey State AFL-CIO: COVID-19 Updates for New Jersey
- New Jersey Department of Labor Benefits and the Coronavirus (COVID-19): What Employees Should Know
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Scenarios and Benefits Available (English)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Scenarios and Benefits Available (Spanish)
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Information for workers and businesses affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Information For Individuals Experiencing Financial Hardship
- New York State AFL-CIO
- General information about the Unemployment insurance program (includes updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19))
- Paid sick leave for Coronavirus (COVID-19) impacted New Yorkers
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- Unemployment Insurance changes due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- FAQs regarding Unemployment Insurance and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Coronavirus (COVID-19), Unemployment Insurance benefits and FAQs
- Common number provided for reporting mass layoffs due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)- to receive Unemployment benefits
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Unemployment Benefit Claim Filing during Covid-19 Pandemic
- Oregon AFL-CIO resource page for workers and families impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Sick days 101: What Oregon law says for workers and employers
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Scenarios and Benefits Available
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Related Business Layoffs, Closures, and Unemployment Insurance Benefits
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Information for Pennsylvania employees impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Workplace Fact Sheet for Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Press Release: Governor declares state of emergency in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) (including information about unemployment insurance)
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Employment & Workforce Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Hub
- Employment & Workforce FAQs for Coronavirus (COVID-19) & Unemployment Insurance benefits
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Reemployment Assistance Eligibility Determinations
- Workers’ Compensation Coverage and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Labor Department Accepting Unemployment Claims from School Employees Affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19) Closures
- General information about the Reemployment Assistance program
- Information about TN UI benefits and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Unemployment for Employees impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- General information for employers and employees regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Additional benefits and resources for unemployed employees
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program and additional benefits & resources for employees impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Unemployment Insurance for employees
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for employers and employees
- Expanding Unemployment Insurance Benefits in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs for Employers & Employees
- General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- Virginia Economic Commission General Information General information for workers impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how to file for an unemployment insurance claim
- Governor’s Office FAQs from Workers regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Questions and answers on Unemployment Insurance claims related to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO resource page for workers and families impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Unemployment Insurance Program General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Employment Security Dept For workers and businesses affected by COVID-19 (coronavirus)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Employee Benefit Chart Simplified chart of benefits available for specific situations/scenarios
- Governor’s Office Resource List Resource list for businesses and workers impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- State Health Exchange Enrollment for signing up to the state’s health insurance exchange
- Unemployment Insurance General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Unemployment COVID-19 Public Information Frequently asked questions about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Wisconsin Unemployment Benefits
- Department of Workforce Development Information for the Public including Unemployment and Employment and Training
- Wisconsin Unemployment Insurance General information about the Unemployment Insurance program
- Wyoming Dept. of Workforce Services: Unemployment Insurance General information about the Unemployment insurance program
- Federal Assistance for Needy Families General information on resources and benefits for families in need
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