SMART-TD member elected to lead Kansas worker group

December 16, 2024

Brother Ty Dragoo, SMART-TD’s Kansas State Safety & Legislative Director (SLD), has been elected by labor leaders across Kansas to lead a state-wide labor coalition called the Working Kansas Alliance (WKA).

Collectively representing more than 500,000 workers throughout the state, WKA advocates for policies at the Kansas Legislature that protect the rights of its members, including securing living wages, safe working conditions, and the opportunity to provide for themselves and their families.

WKA ensures that workers have a legislative seat at the table, especially in the face of policies pushed by corporate special interest groups that favor big business at the expense of working families.

Learn more about WKA

Dragoo emphasized how leaders from the broader labor movement across the state have recognized SMART-TD for breaking down legislative barriers.

“Any time there’s a labor issue, SMART-TD is recognized as a leader and standard-bearer,” Dragoo said. “This shows what we can do at the state level and across the country when we have an active and engaged legislative program.”

Ty Dragoo

When it comes to having conversations with legislators who aren’t labor-friendly, Dragoo focuses on finding similarities rather than dwelling on differences. He makes it a point to remind lawmakers that their constituents are workers, too, who are worried about kitchen table issues.

“We try to get rid of all the other outside noise,” Dragoo noted. “We’re really on the same page on a lot of this stuff. It’s when we let in all the outside noise that we get into trouble.”

A member of Local 1503, Brother Dragoo has long ensured that SMART-TD’s voice is heard and amplified at the state legislature. He is focused on collaborating across party lines to address the needs of Kansas’s working families with lawmakers.

Thanks to Dragoo’s advocacy, labor’s presence along with SMART-TD will continue to be felt at the legislature in Topeka.

“I fully intend on bringing that ability to the legislature: to advance the causes of the labor movement. Not just SMART-TD issues but all labor issues.” 

Congratulations, Brother! Your union continues to be proud of the progress you and the Kansas Legislative Board have made for our members and the labor movement as a whole!