SMART-TD General Chairperson Anthony Simon honored as Labor Leader of the Year by the Nassau County Democratic Committee

August 27, 2024

On April 30, 2024, SMART-TD GO 505 General Chair­person Anthony Simon was honored by New York State and Nassau County Democratic Committee Chair Jay Jacobs as Labor Leader of the Year at their annual spring dinner. Joined by members of his commit­tee, Simon was recognized alongside other leaders at this highly attended event on Long Island.

In attendance were N.Y. State Attorney General Letitia James, N.Y. State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli as well as countless elected officials, business leaders and labor leaders from the New York region. Simon thanked his committee for their support over the years, as well as Chair Jay Jacobs and Vice Chair Tom Gary for their consistent loyalty to labor in New York. In a heartfelt speech, Brother Simon also praised his late wife, Ann, for all her support throughout his career.