SMART statement on tax credit changes in the Inflation Reduction Act

June 18, 2024

The United States Department of the Treasury announced a final rule regarding labor standards on Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) tax credits on Tuesday, June 18. SMART released the following statement in response: 

“There are laws that say good things to union members, and there are laws that do good things for union members. With the U.S. Treasury Department’s final rule on labor standards for Inflation Reduction Act tax credits, there is no doubt that the IRA is a law that concretely benefits SMART sheet metal workers. These precedent-setting tax credits provide up to five times the base credit to those who pay workers prevailing wages and employ registered apprentices on qualifying clean energy projects — making it a no-brainer to use union labor on those projects.

“We thank this administration for taking steps to ensure green jobs are union jobs, and our skilled tradespeople stand ready to build this nation’s sustainable future.”